Chocolate Covered Flirtation

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Chocolate Covered Flirtation

Things are about to get steamy between Adam and Tommy. Well at least I hope it does? Well see where this goes. Have fun lovelies.


Adam pov:

Renee came over to gave us our food and she looked better than she did five minutes ago. She was too cute when made the mistake and she was about to cry. I just wanted to reach out and pull her into hug to comfort her.


Me and Tommy Joe are just finishing our dinner when Renee shows up out of now where behind Tommy. This scares the shiz nit out of him and he literally jumps ten feet out of his chair. Then I'm just sitting here laughing my Botox off and Renee is looking at him with that "haha I got you back look."

"Holy shiz nit Renee, you scared the crap out of me!" Tommy says hiding his face from me by looking at Renee.

"Oh sorry, I was just having some fun," she say with a smirk on her face. This girl just won't stop. I love it and I hope she won't stop. Tommy Joe just looks at her and frowns. Oh, I think he doesn't like all the flirting and to be honest I don't either. In fact I'm kinds jealous at the moment and I don't know why. I mean, Im not dating him or anything, but oh my ra nobody flirts with my kitty.

"I know, but I get scared easily and I don't know why. I watch horror all the time and those don't scare as much." He says throwing his hands in the air in frustration. His eyes brows are all bunch together and his face is a little red. He looks so sexy in a way.

"Whoa Kitty, culm down before you lose your cool. That would ruin our plan for dessert, remember love?" I say in a still small voice that could culm anyone down. He just stop and looked at me with those caramel eyes of his and he was culm in a heart beat.

"Yeah Tommy Joe, we wouldn't want you to your hair to get puffy on us. Now will we?" Renee asks in a joking tone. Tommy just gets even more frustrated at Renee and she doesn't even realize this.

"Renee, could we just order our dessert now, sweetie?" I step in and ask. She's nods in conformation. I say, "We would like to have some chocolate covered strawberries brought to us over there by the fire, please and thank you." After I had said this she disappeared and Tommy started to culm down agin. Which is good for me.

We walks over to the the seats by the fireplace and we sit down. "Are you okay?" I ask to make sure he is. He still seems a little tense.

"I'm okay, but just a little frustrated. Renee is a nice girl and all, but she take keeps flirting with me and I don't like it. Plus, she scared me there when she put her hands on my hips. She is lucky that I didn't punch her or something like that. I wouldn't even think of doing something like that." He says with his head in his hands. He looks up at with a sad look on his still red face and he just kept his gaze with mine. Oh no, my kitty is sad and I don't like it.

" Well, come here and I will make you feel better, love." I say with opening my flooded arm out for a hug. And he came over willingly for one and he sat on my lap.

Adam pov: end

Tommy pov:

"Well, came over here and I will make you fell better.'' Adam said as he stretched his arms out towards me. I willing went over to him and sat on his lap as he requested. I was curled up on his lap with my head in his crook of his neck.

"Okay, I feel better already." I say burring my face in his shoulder hiding my blood red face from him. I look up and he is starring at me with those deep sea, blue eyes. It's like he's looking into my soul and seeing very dark secret that I'm hiding. Even my darkest secret of me cutting myself a lot and I'm scared that if he finds me out he will not like anymore. Stare back at him with a longing look on face. How I long to just reach up and kiss that glam god's glossy, soft lips.

I feel Adam's head shoot up off my shoulder and I feel eyes digging into my side. Who the freak is it and why are they glaring at me? I turn and look into Renee's dark blue, angry eyes. What is her problem? Then I realized I was snuggled up with Adam and that she likes me way to much.

She came over to us and slammed the tray of chocolate strawberries on the marble table top. Someone's a little ticked off, aren't we? I say to myself in my head. She glares at me with daggers of death and this is scary the shiz nit out of me. I'm afraid she is going to kill me and use my body for some weird, freaky things.

"What wrong, Renee?" I ask looking deep into those daggers of hers. Man, is she scaring me right now. I look over at Adam and he has a worried look on his face. I would too if I saw someone look at him like that.

"No, I'm not okay." She yells her answer at me. You don't have to yell. "I leave for like two minutes and come back to you cuddle up by the fire. You're both men and men don't do that with each other. It's just not right. Now I see why Kailee and Kyle said I won't like you guys?" She says angrily turn away and stumping out of the brightly colored room. Wow, that was just wrong.

"Wow, she needs to learn to be open minded and be more acceptable to new ideas." Adam said flat out. Wow, he bounced back fast.

"Yeah I'm glad she left. Now, lets in enjoy these wonderful strawberries." I say moving closer to the fire. I just want to sit here and be in Adams arms. I feel safe and protected when I am on his arms. It's like he really want me to be safe. When Renee came in all mad, he tightened his arms around me and he brought me closer to his body.

"Only if you stay in my arms." He says with a sexy smirk on his face. He walks over to the fire and pulls me into his strong arms. I am facing forward so I rest my back on his chest. I never thought that I could be here in the arms if a strong person and be okay with it.

''Wouldn't have it any other way, baby boy." I say shyly getting a strawberry and eating it. Yummy, these are so good and they even taste better in front of the fire in the arms if this gorgeous creature.

"You know Kitty, this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship." He says yawning and stretching to to put his arm around me. Aww he's tried and he's so friggin gorgeous.

"Yes yes it is." I say falling asleep on the chest of the most kindest person ever.


I wake up and see Adam next to me still asleep. I check my phone and see that it is 2 am. "Adam, lets go to our." I shake him awake.

"Okay, what time is it Glitterbaby?" He says all groggy like.

"It's 2am, love." I say getting up and pulling him to his feet. Dang, this guy is tall.

"What is our room number?" He asks tilting his head tiredly.

"It is 2918." I say looking at the the Kailee sent me while we were asleep. She had to know we were asleep in here. I'm still wondering how Renee is connected to Kailee and Kyle thought.

We walk down the hall ways of the Hotel hand in hand being as quite as possible not to wake anyone up. When we reach our hotel room we open the door and find the couch to fall asleep. We don't even take the time to look at our new house for the next 4 years or so.


Wow, what a chapter? I hope you guys love it. I enjoyed writing it. Which is why it took so long. Sorry for the delayed posting. I wanted to make it special. So yeah, vote comment!

Kay ^v^

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