Surpises And Exictment

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Adam pov.

I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder saying "Adam, get up you lazy bum. Your phone is going off and I can hear it all the way in my room." Tommy says as I open my eyes to his beautiful face. I sit up and grab my ringing phone off the night stand. I put my passcode in to see a message from Kailee:

Kailee May: Hey addy you lazy bum. lol jk. There are no classes today. Me and Kyle have something to tell you and Tommy. Meet us down stairs for brunch in an hour. Love ya bunches, Kai. <3

"We have like 15 minutes to be downstairs for brunch with Kailee and Kyle." I say rushing out of bed pulling a half naked Tommy with me. "Just get ready with me and you can barrow a pair of shorts and a tank with a black buttom down from me." I say shoving everything he needs at him. Tommy nods still half asleep. We walk in to my bathroom and I hop in to the shower. I wash my hair and body letting the warm water wake me up. I don't know why but taking a shower right after i get up wakes me up. I steal a look over at Tommy to find him brushing his teeth waiting to also take shower. I reach my hand out and grab my towle while Tommy moves his head around to see what I'm doing. I walk out of the shower with the towel around my waist walking toward my closet to grab my outfit.

"What are we going to do since we have no classes today?" he says sitting on the edge of the sparkly blue tub as I throw on black shorts with a aqua tank and black button up like Tommy's.

"I really don't know. I know flee are going to brunch with Kailee and Ky. They have something to tell us." I answer back grabbing Tommy's hand an heading out the door. We walk for a bit and take a right then a left. Then we come to the elevators that lead to the main libby of the hotel/ FBR HQ place. We take the elevator down and get off taking a long hallway covered in floor length purple drapes. The drapes are pulled back with silver tassel things that shine in the dim lighting. I look down at Tommy and see him in awe as I am at this place.

"Wow, this hallway is so gorgeous." He says widen eyed. "Then again this entire place is fancy." He whispered taking this all in. I never thought in a million years I would be living in a place like this with a person I am meet to be with.

We walk a little father till we see the door marked food. (yes it's true. There are three year olds in this place. it has to be easy for them to read.) Tommy opens the door and we walk inside to see Kailee and Kyle sitting near the fire place with big smiles on their faces. Hmmm. What is going on here? "Hey guys." Kyle says as they both get up and hug us.

"Kai and Ky." I says hugging then both back still in Tommy's hand. "how's it going?"

"Oh it's going really great!" Kailee says with excitement in her voice and the biggest, brightest smile I have ever seen her smile. Okay, something has to be going on here. Kyle is even grinning from ear to ear and he can't stop playin with Kai's ring fingure. Oh m, could that be what i think it could be? We'll just have to wait and see.

"Thats good." I says wanting to know whats with all the smiles and happiness.

"Okay guys lets sit down and order our food so we can talk to you guys." Kyle says waving his arm in the direction we were sitting. We sit down at one of the fancy table that sparkle in the dim light of the fire. Its a minute becfore a cute waitress comes out with her Ipad to take our oders.

"Hiya there, my name is Arianna and I will be your server on this fine morin'." She says with a happy southren accent. Which I find sweet to the ears. "What can I getcha ya'll to drink?" She askes pulling out her stylus.

"I'll take a coffee with 10 cream and 10 surgars." Kyle said moving his and Kailee's hands to the top the tables. "She'll have a Mocha frappe with whip and chocolate drizzle. She would also like chocolate chip blended in with it." Wow, he sure know whag she likes. They would make a great married couple oe day. I don't think i have ever seen them fight.

"Okay, what can i get you cuties?"She said looking at me with her deep green eyes like emeralds shining in the sun light.

"I'll take a big glass of orange juice please." Tommy says with a big smile on his face. Note to mentself: Tommy likes orange juice.

"I'll take a big glass apple juice please." I say putting my arm Tommy who looks at me with a shy smile on his pretty face. 

"Okay, I'll have those right out to ya'll shortly." She says walking away. That is when i noticed that she was wearing a really pretty outfit. Arianna had on black skinny jeans with an aqua v-neck top with white writing on it and she also had on a black and white apron thing.

"I think I like Arianna better then I like Renee." I look over at Kailee as she nods and smiles. Then I look at Tommy who looks at me in agreement." She's not as crazy and is totally more polite."

"Yeah, she could be a bit of a sour puss sometimes." Kailee says shaking her head. " The only reason she got the was beacuse shes my cousin."

"She's nothing like you thou Kai." Tommy states with a confused look on his face. "Your so shy and she is loud. You are so nice she is such a witch. How could to totally different people be related. Not to mention she is not as pretty as you are Kai." We all just brust out laughing at what he just said. I dont know why but hearing Tommy saying something like that is just so funny. It is like hearing a two year old saying fart face to his of her sibling. He looks at us and says "What?"

"Nothing Tommy, we are just laughing to laugh." Kyle says to him as he looks at Tommy with a sly smile. Tommy just nods and head and grabs my hand and rubs his thumd in a circle on the back of it. I have noticed he does this when he bis nervious. This is when a notice a big glass of apple juice being set down in front of me.

"Thank you,"I say quitely nof having a whole lot of time to react. Tommy just giggles and gripps my hand in a loving way.

As she gives Kai and Kyle their drinks she askes" yall ready to order some food?"

"I thought you would never ask." Tommy says with a dig smile on his face. He looks at me and says "I'll have eggs with toast and sausage. I'll also take a side order of pancakes with A LOT of good Ol' maple sarup and butter." he finished with his eyes closed like he can already taste it in his mouth.

"That sounds so good right now."She says to him and looks at me. "Now what can i get you young man?" She says with her note oad ready go.

I tbink for a second and say "I'll take oatmeal and a friut salad. I'll also have pancakes and sarup as well." I look up at her as she finishes writing it down.

"We'll have the dreakfast for two with an extra order of eggs." Kailee says to Arianna as she rest her arm on Kyle's lap.

"Welp, if thats all I'll hop on back there and have your food out faster that you can say the longest word in the world."She says skip walking back to the kitchen.

"What is the lonvest word?" I ask as I feel my right eye brow rise to a perfecf arc. Kailee whips out her tablet and looks up the word. She hands me the thing while Kyle steals a look and his eyes widen. I take the tablet from her hands and steal a look myself. My eyes widen at the length of the world, I open my mouth as an tempt to say the word. Instead "How and i suppose to pronuce this?"

Tommy takes the tablet out of my hand and looks at the word. After awhile he scratches his head and throws his in the air. "I don't know, I give up."


Hey There,

Long time no see guys. How are you all doing?

Star and let me know what you think.

Love and Glittery Owls,


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