The Time Has Come

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Summary time.

Kailee and Kyle are engaged finally. Adam and Tommy have a new friend. Adam and Tommy have kissed!! Things should be happening quicker now.

Week after the kiss with Adam.

Tommy pov.

I get up from my desk as the bell rings telling us that it is the end of the day. I walk out of class hoping to see Adam but I don't and I feel a little sad. He has been like this all week. Its like he doesn't want to see me anymore. We see each other but he only gives me one word answers. I hope when we kissed I didn't scare him away. I didn't think it was that bad. I enjoyed it so much. It was so nice. I felt a real connection with him.

I break my train of though as I enter my apartment. I put my books on my desk and walk over to the couch. I find the remote and turn in the local rock station. As I'm listening to it I take out my phone and text Kailee.

T: Hey Kailee.

Kai <3: Hey Dear, how are you?

T: Good but worried. How are you?

Kai <3: Worried like you. What are you worried about?

T: Adam , he hasn't talked to in a week. I'm so worried that he doesn't like me anymore. As you know we kissed that one day in the car and we haven't been the same since.

Kai <3: Hmmm... Have you tried to talk to him?

T: Yes, but he is only giving me one word answers. What if he doesn't like me anymore? Kai, what do I do? I am so scared.

Kai <3: Tommy love, just calm down. I'm sure Adam still likes you. Why don't you come and bring your homework.

T: Okay.

I put down my phone to grab my stuff. I walk to the kitchen grab a can of Mountain Dew and a bottle of sweet tea. I put the sweet tea on the table and grab a thing of trail mix from our little pantry. Putting them in bowls I set one on the table next to the sweet tea. Then I grab a piece of paper and a pen. I write Adam a note:

Dear Addy,

Here is a snack for you. I have gone to do my homework with Kailee. I don't know when I'll be back. See ya, miss ya.

<3Glitter Kitty

I put the paper down grab my trail mix and Mountain Dew as head to the door. I open the door to see a hot mess of an Adam. His hair is messy and hasn't been washed for days. He is face has no makeup and is broken out. He is wearing wearing a plain grey T-shirt that has stains all over it and his pants aren't much better. His eyes are all red and puffy with dark circles under them.

"Adam," I say breathlessly. I pull him in to a hug. He doesn't move. "Lets get you cleaned up and to bed." I say still hugging him. I drag him to his room. I find his sleepwear on his bed neatly folded. (Kyle was here.) I think to my self. I go to his bathroom as I start a warm shower for him. He walks in the bathroom and slowly gets in. "I'll be in your room when you are done." I say walking out as he nods.

15 minutes later I hear the shower stop and Adam comes out in his sleepwear. He looks so much better now. I go to him and grab his hand. I pull him to his bed and lay him down there. I tuck him in, put on his favorite music, and give him a kiss on the cheek as he closes his eyes to sleep. "Sleep tight, my baby boy," I say grabbing his hand gently.

"Good night Glitterbaby," He murmurs in his sleep as a small smile appears on his face. I can't help but to grin like a fool. This is the Adam I like to see. The one that smiles, laughs, and is care free. I hope this rest will make him better. If not I'll do all I can to get my Addy back. I'm going to show him how much I like him and how much I care about him.


I'm walking down the hall that leads to office area of the FireBird Rescue HQ. I look at my phone and see that I am about there. Kailee put her and Kyle's office number in the GPS on my phone. The hall is a bull white color with brightly doors and sliver name plates on the doors. The floor is a laid with planks of dark oak. I walk down to the end of the hall and see an open bright aqua door. I go over to it and my phone say "You have arrived, you may enter the room." Walking in the room I see Kailee at her desk and Kyle at his desk. They were doing their work. Kailee was in an aqua dress that fell to just above her knees and a black blazer jacket that looked too big on her. It looked to be Kyle's. She has on black flats. Her hair is up in a classy messy bun and she didn't seem to have make up on. Kyle was in a black button up shirt with an aqua tie and pants. He has on black dress shoes with aqua laces. Man Kailee and Kyle are always looking so good and matchy with out being too matchy matchy.

As I enter the room Kailee looks up and waves to me. "Hey Tommy, how are you doing?" She asks I sit in a chair in front of her desk and set me bag on the floor by my feet.

"Herro Kai, I am okay I guess. I am just so worried about Adam." I say with worry in my in my voice. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head in them. Wrapping my arms around my legs clasping them when they meet.

"We all are worried about him. Kyle tried to talk to him this morning but he just stood there staring at the wall behind him." She says with worry in her voice. "Kyle said he looked like the creature that would come out from under your bed." She let out a little laugh. I couldn't help but smile, it was true he didn't look so hot.

With that said Kyle popped out of now where and said "What did ya say about me? My ears are are burning." He moves by Kailee taking her hand and kissing her ring.

"Oh you know, how you look like the monster that comes from under the bed to eat children who are bad." I say with a straight face looking at him. 

He turns gave me and says "That is right, I do eat child who are bad. Children like you." She says making his way over to me with his hands up. As he reached me, he begins to tickle and poke me. Causing me to laugh hysterically making a lot of noice. I am laughing so hard I feel as I am going to pee my pants.

"Kyle stop! I am about to pee my pants." I say through the fits of laughter and screaming. Kyle stops and heads back to Kailee who is about to fall out of her chair from laughing so hard. He steadies her grabbing her waist and pulling her up so he can sit. When he does he pulls her on his lap.

I get up and make me way to the bathroom that is attached to their office. The bath is nice, it's has grey tiled floors with grey paint on the walls. The counters were white marble with gold flecks scattered about it. The sink and toilet were white. There were pictures of water falls and lakes. "Wow this pretty." I thought to myself. I used the bathroom and washed my hands before returning to Kailee's desk.

"Tommy your back." Kailee says smiling. "How does it look in there? We just had it redone." See looks at Kyle who nods in agreement.

"It looks really nice. It is very relaxing in there." I say closing my eyes for a bit. "I felt like I was on a tropical island." They both smile liking what they hear. Which is good. I take out my laptop from my bag so I can start me homework.

Tommy Pov end
Wow this has been sitting in my account forever!!
Hope y'all are doing good. I might actually be getting back in to writing.

Love and hugs,

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