Ch. 4 But i just met you!

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But I Just Meet You

Adam is the only one in a big room painted a bold aquamarine colored with black stained wood crown molding. On a far wall there are two windows and French doors covered with black curtains. The walls had all these black, modern metal art pieces on them. The table were lime green with black and silver marble tops. And the chairs were plush and a very bright purple color. In the corner where I was sitting was a fireplace frame with the same marble as the table tops.

Adam pov:

Wow, this room is so modern and very colorful at the same time. I kinda like it, what am I kidding I love all the styles choices they have made here. Oh my, I'm sounding so fruity right now. I'm telling you if I don't make it the theater business I want to be an interior designer for some big company at first. Then after like a couple years I want to start my own business and be a personal interior designer for some famous person. But to be honest I hope I make it in the theater buzz, because that is all I have thought about being. I want to someday star in a theater version of "Wicked", my favorite book ever.

Hmmm.... I wonder where this perfect match of a roommate is. Kyle said he would be so nice and sweet. Oh, how I love guys that are sweet and shy. They are weakness and I would die if I ever had the chance to meet one. All the boys I ever haven with have been egotistic jerks, that don't know how to stay with one person. They had told me that they loved me and that they were different from the other guys. I should have known from the fact that they where all best friends and that two of them just wanted to get back at me for breaking the other ones heart. Well, that first guy shouldn't have cheated on me with his best friend and from what I know they are still together. Which isn't surprising, because they were made for each other.

What I'm trying to say is that I hope my new roommate is someone that will actually cares about and treats me like a human being. I wonder what he will be like, what he will look, how he will act like. I truly wonder if he's open minded like me or if he's a "tiny minded two-toned sucker." What if he doesn't like gay people? What would I do then? That would make for an awkward situation on both parts.

Adam Mitchell Lambert, you are over thinking everything and you need to shut the fudge up or you will overwork yourself. How attractive would that be if he came in and I was just all red freaking out over just meeting him. I would just run and never come back if I saw anyone I was rooming with like that. I wouldn't blame him if he ran away from me now. I'm not that bad looking but I can come off as a bit of a diva if something I have planned has gone wrong.

Wait, what's that? I turn around and see the French doors open to a person. A cute elf like person anyway. This guy has blond hair with a fringe hanging over his face and from what I can tell he has the most beautiful Carmel brown eyes I have ever seen. He's small in stature, but it was really hot in a way and dang did he have a killer style. He was wearing a grey and black Metallica t-shirt under a grey and blue striped hoodie. He was wearing black skinny jeans and he also had on these really tall creepers. Not to mention, he was wearing black fingernail polish and his gorgeous brown eyes were lined to perfection with eyeliner. Dang, he's a serious hottie from planet good lookin.

I get up and walk over to him thinking here we go....

Adam pov: end

Tommy pov:

Wow is all I can say walking into this room. It so modern yet colorful with very tasteful choice of color. The tables are marble and lime green with purple chairs. There's even a fire place with a fire going and it is surrounded by the same marble as the table tops. My jaw just drop from the second I laid on this room. Then I remember that I supposed to meet my roommate here. Oh, what he saw me like this? Oh gosh, that is so unattractive. Oh well. Maybe he will be forgiving. Plus, I wore my best attire today for some reason.

Wait whose that? That Glittery alien from planet fierce can't be my roommate. He's too good looking for a kid at risk of being harmed. Wow, this glam god had jet black hair with turquoise highlights and had the most electrifying blue eyes I have ever seen. His stature was really tall and slender with broad shoulders. He was a wearing grey and sparkly Queen shirt under a black leather jacket. He was had on these black leather skinny jeans with black matching boots. Man how could this guy be even hotter I was thinking. Then he smiled a gorgeous smile that can make a grown man's heart melt.

"Hey, I'm Adam Lambert." He says with that hypnotizing smile. "And who you might be?"

"I'm Tommy Joe Ratliff. It's really nice to meet you" I say shyly. Wow, he's really good looking looking and has a sexy voice. Okay, Tommy get yourself together here.

"Well, it really nice to meet you too, Tommy Joe." He says grinning. "Do you happen to be the 'perfect roommate' they set us up as?" Wow he does know how to get to the point. I don't blame him I have been wondering myself.

"Well, since I'm the only other one in here. I guess I am, unless you're roommate is invisible and is to shy to talk to you." I say bluntly. Smooth there Tommy, that does not make any sense at all. What were you thinking? Think before you speak.

"I guess that is true. I don't think I could handle a quite roommate. I am very crazy and wild." He says laughing a beautiful laugh. I like this guy, he sweet and just plain awesome.

"Well, then I hope you rub off on me then because I am shy." I say regretting it. Why would you say something like that?

"You don't seen like that way. You just seem very nice and innocent looking. At least your talking to me and not freaking the freak out." He says reassuringly. He has a point there, I'm shocked I'm able to talk. It's just there's something about him that makes me feel like I can talk to him and not be intimidated by him.

"Aww. W-why thank y-you" I start to stutter. Why am I stuttering, I just met him, oh gosh.

"Hey, let's go sit down by the fire and get something to eat. I bet you're hungry because I know I am." He says saving the moment. I think he was to excited to even notice I was stuttering. Thank goodness.

"That sounds really nice. That fire look cozy and roma... warm." I say hopefully catching myself before he realizes what I was trying to say.

Tommy pov: end


So my lovelies, whatcha think this is longer way longer.

You're all beautiful and in love you all



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