The First Day of Class Spent Alone. Well, Sort Of Spent Alone. (part 1)

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The First Day of Class Spent Alone. Well, Sort Of Spent Alone.

Tommy pov:

My phone alarm goes off and I take it to check the time. It is 8:30 and I do not want to get up. Yeah I want to see Adam but at the same time I am not ready to go to class alone. I just want to stay in our little apartment and watch tv. I just want to be him and I know he wants to do the same. I hear a knock at the door and I get up to get it. I open to door to find Kailee standing there with a red MacBook Air in her hands.

"Good morning Tommy. Here is how you are going to be doing school for you're core classes and for you electives you will be going to an actual class room/ studio. There will be one surprise for you waiting in one of your electives and be sure to take your guitar with you to your rock band class today." She says leaving my room shutting the door. "Now get ready for you core classes and breakfast. Adam is already down stairs waiting for you." She tells me walking down the hall to the kitchen/ living room combo. Adam, I can't wait to see my baby boy. The more I think about him the more I miss him and want to see him. I turn around and head to my bathroom to get ready. I take shower and brush my teeth. I walk over to my closet and put on a bark blue band T-shirt and a pair of dark grey skinny jeans paired with my dark blue creepers. I go back to my bathroom and put my make up on. Then I sit on my bed and repaint my nails with black fingernail polish. Now I'm ready to see Adam. With that thought, I walk out of my room and head down the hallway to the kitchen where I find a rather sexy Adam sitting at the table waiting for me. He was wearing a light blue T-shirt with light grey jeans and light blue studded boots. His make up was done to perfection like usual and his eyes could have not been shining brighter.

"Good morning glitterbaby, how did you sleep last night?" He asks getting up to give me a hug. He wraps both arms around me lifting me up. I hug him back wrapping both of my arms around his neck and squeezing him tight not wanting to let go.

"Good morning Addy, I sleep well last night due to someone popping in my dreams." I said smiling and winking at the handsome man sitting in front of me. "How did you sleep last night, Baby boy?" I say letting go so I can look at his beautiful face. Gosh, how I would to wake up to that face in the morning, smiling at me and telling me good morning.

"Oh Tommy, I slept well and I'm glad that you had dreams about Kyle and Kailee last night." He says turning around grabbing two plates of eggs and pancakes with ham topped with cheese. We sit and eat our breakfast.

As we are finishing up Kailee and Kyle walk in hand in hand. Kailee is in a black and white top with aquamarine skinny jeans, with black flats that are shiny. Kyle is in an aqua button up top with black skinny jeans and he also has on aqua converse shoes. My, oh my, do they look good right now. What is up with all this matchy matchy lately? Granted I think it's cute but my gosh, they match all the time. Wait, I can't say anything because so far Adam and me have been matching a lot too. So I guess it is okay and I still think it's cute. They at the table and Kailee says " Okay boys, it's time for you're core lesson them we will have lunch and then it will be unto you're electives." She pulls two pieces if paper from her backpack purse and hand lays them on the table. "These will be the Oder that you take the classes." She adds looking up to Kyle who I smiling down on her.

"You will be taking seven classes and doing them in a weeks time." Kyle says turning to us smiling. I see a necklace on him with the same letters as Kailee's necklace. Oh, that's what he was talking about in the car yesterday. That's what he meat when he said he is the one for her. It all makes perfect sense now and it is awesome to see how they are made for each other. I wonder if Kailee feels the same way Kyle does. Who wouldn't anyway, he is the perfect man and he seems too loyal and all. I know for a fact that Adam has a mini crush on him. "Okay so Tommy and Adam, your guy's core classes today are English and math. Tommy you're two electives are guitar lab 105 and How To Jam With Others which you have every day. Adam your electives are vocal lab 105 and How To Jam With Others." He says as me and Adam look at each other and smile. We have a class together. I so can't wait for that class and get see what Adam can do.

"So where are these classes at?" I ask smiling at Adam who is at me with those blue eyes of his. Gosh, how I could look into those eyes and be lost forever. Hmmmm, it's making me relaxed just thinking about it.

"Well your core classes will be here due t them being done on a laptop and your electives will be down hall and to the right. The doors of the room are label so you should have no trouble finding them. Well we are off to check on the other kids and make sure they are doing okay. See you guys at lunch and love you both very much." Kailee says hugging us and kissing us on the cheek. Kyle does the same and they both walk out hand in hand shutting our room door behind them. Awe, they are two cute. Adam and I finish up our breakfast and wash/ dry the dishes that we used.


Ugh, I have been working on my English for an hour and now I have to write an essay on the story I just read. The story is called Awaken Me on the Website Wattpad. It is by Olga Krist and it is about a girl who goes through a rough situation and does bad things to herself. A boy comes into her life and everything changes for her. It was a really good story.

I have to compare and contrast me and the main character Kayla. It has to be as along as I can make it and it has to be as good as I can make it. I just need to figure out what I am going to write about. Wait, I have an idea, the main character and I have a couple things in common. These things are we don't have our parents anymore and we both have a dark secret that very few people know. I know we both want to keep that way. Another thing we have in common is that we both sometimes let that secret take over us, but can you blame us though. We don't know what to do and we want to tell someone but we are threated not to say anything.


Oh my, it just got really emotional up in here. I was writing the essay and I just started crying for no reason. I guess that I can relate so well with the character that I was feeling what she was feeling. It was bad enough that Adam came over and checked on me. He asked "Are you okay, baby?" He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I don't know what to say or do. I don't want to tell him I was crying over a book. I'm afraid that he might think of me s weak and fragile. The other thing is I don't lie, I don't believe in it even if it causes someone to think differently of me. Yes, I am hiding a secret and no I just don't talk about if. So I'll just avoid the whole subject.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I am just crying over this book. It is so sad and the main character is going through much. I can relate to her and what she is going through.'' I say realizing what I just said. Oh my gosh, I just said too much. Gosh, I hope he doesn't ask how I relate to Kayla. I am just ready to tell Adam my secret and for that fact I am not ready to tell anyone. Even, if it did happen two years ago but it still haunts my every sleeping moment. I just can't it and I don't want to del with it anymore. Why would some one do that with a little kid? "I just don't want to talk about it.'' I tell Adam who is looking at me with concern in his deep blue eyes.

"Okay, I'll just get back to my school work then." He says walking away. "Oh and Tommy?" he turns around and shoots at me.

"Yes" I turn to look him.

"If you ever need someone to talk to randomly or if you are just feeling down. I'm here for you, glitter baby." He says putting a hand on my shoulder and walking away. I sit there in awe and start to do my math. I am I suppose to math with Adam on other side of the room. Oh well, I will do my best.

Tommy's pov: end


hiya guys. here you have it. Ill try to have the secound part up soon. love ya miss ya!!!


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