Surpise and Exictment (part 2)

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Tommy pov.
Adam takes the tablet from my hands and looks at some information about the word. "The longest word is in Russian and takes three hours to say." he says looking at me with surprised looked on his face. "I hope it won't take that long."

Kailee takes her tablet back and looks at it once more with a stern look on her face. "Looking a little more in to this, some people say the longest word is antidisestablishmentarianism. which is hard enough to say. Also experts say that that Russian word is made up. Others say it is a fancy word a sort meaning." she says looking at Kyle with a puzzled look. She sets the tablet back on the table throwing her hands in the air as if she is giving up. I don't blame her because I would do the same thing to.

The waitress, Arianna, walked away with our orders and we are just sitting here talking. Kailee moves her hand as she is talking and I notice a ring on her left hand. It is the most georgous ring i have ever seen. "hey Kai, I love that ring that is on your finger. Where did you get that?" i ask smiling at her.

Both her and Kyle looks at the ring and smile. "That is what we wanted to talk to you guys about,but not right now. we will after we eat and get dessert." she says smiling at me and adam. I smile and look at Adam. He looks back at me with that grin of his. I don't know what it is but all I know is that I love Adam Like Kai loves Kyle. "I so can't wait l. I'm so excited to see what the news is. I think I can make a good guess. I'm not going to say anything thought because I don't wanna ruin the surprise." I say as I feeling my beaming smile come across my face.

The waitress comes back with our food and it looks so good. I can't wait to dig in and get some grub in my tummy. I look over at Adam and see his watering over his salad. I laugh and look at it too, it does look good. What Kailee and Kyle got looks so good. "So, what are the plans for today?" Adam asks as takes a big bite of his salad. It appears to have lettuce, tomatoes, eggs, cucumbers, and carrots. it also seem to have some sort of purple and blue dressing on it.

"We plan to tell you the news and then we will have a jam session followed by movie. Then we'll end the night with a round of putt- putt and ice cream. How's does that sound to you guys?" She says giving me and Adam a flashy smile.

I looks at Adam with big eyes and an even bigger smile. "That sounds like a good idea! I like the ice cream part!" I say as I look at Adam with his big smile and his big blue electrifying eyes.

Later that morning:
As we finish our brunch Kailee and Kyle clear their troughs to get our attention. As me and Adam looks at them Kailee holds up her left hand to show us the pretty ring on her finger. "So this ring on my finger is from Kyle and it is an engagement ring." She says looking at Kyle with a tear in her eye. Kyle looks at her and wipes the tear away with his ring finger. "This means we will be getting married. We don't know where or when yet, but we will let you know when we get to that point. The main thing is that me and Kyle will finally be able to be together for ever." She says as she leans over and kisses the top of Kyle's nose.

"When we get married you guys will there to share that memory with us. we wouldn't have it any other way." Kyle says grabbing Kailee's hand as he looks to is smiling. "Oh and Miss Freelynn, you don't have to worry about a thing. I will forever love you with all my heart and mind and soul." She kisses her hand.

Oh my. Now how romantic and sweet that is. Kyle has the moves. I wish I could have that kind of love with Adam.   I look over at Adam and smile for I know he is like Kyle in a way! He just as sweet and caring. I tell myself that from this day on will love Adam the way Kyle loves Kailee. As I'm thinking this I grab his hand and give it a little squeeze and he looks down smiling at me giving my hand a squeeze back.

"Finally!! This is so exciting! I can't believe you two are finally going to tie the knot." Adam says looking away from me but not letting go of my hand. "That is a really pretty ring!"

"Yes finally!!" They both say.


So there the of that chapter! I AM SO SORRY FOR TAKING TO LONG to get this chapter out to you! Life has been cray! And I've been focusing on YouTube! So yeah!

Hope you like! Hit that star and leave a comment!!

See ya in the next chapter!
Love and glittery owls,

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