Never Thought About it that Way

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Hey guys how's it goin?

This chapter will all be in Kyle's pov. For the simple fact he is the key factor for this chapter and you will see later after this note. I also want to warn you there is going to be some christian stuff thrown out you! In the nieces way possible of course. I'm sorry if you get offended in way possible. It's part of I what I want to do in line with another book after this one called Rescuebird.

So I will let you read now! So go on enjoy.


Never Thought About it that Way

Kyle's pov:

I'm here in the room off the stage in our church room here at Firebird Rescue about to go on stage and give the hardest sermon I have ever had to give. I really hope I get point out and that people will not throw their bibles at me. That could be really bad for the church and the program. Plus, it would not be good if people were throwing God's word as if it were a throwing knife. Oh the joys of being a pastor sometimes. The subject I am teaching is very touchy with some of the elders in the church but they feel it needs to be taught. They wanted to do it but I am the pastor and I will not twist it around and make it what they want to to mean. When I preach, I preach with that guidance of the Holy Spirit and the facts of His word. This subject is very important with Adam and Tommy Joe here and them being gay. Some people here are very judgement and think it okay to judge them with out them being right God and them not " taking the log out their own eye!" I just hope Adam and Tommy will feel part of this church and not regret coming.

Oh crap the worship is about to end. I need to get my tush out there and get this shindig going.

I open the door and walk out on the stage. I make my way to the pulpit and see Kailee, Adam, Tommy Joe in the second row. Kailee looks as good as ever in the blue aquamarine dress I got her, Adam and Tommy look good in their black and white outfits that almost match. (How cute)

I say to the crowd " Good morning, it's really good to see all your beautiful faces here this morning. I hope your travel here was good and that you did not have any trouble." I look around to make sure I have everyone's attention and I do. " okay now lets pray before we beginning today's adventure." I lower head and close eyes, "dear Heavenly Father, we come to you today to worship you and hear your words of truth. Lord guide us and lead us as we walk in this very cruel earth with all it's awful things. My father, please guide me as I give this message and show me where you want me to go with this. This is for you and for your honor and for your praise. Let this be a life changing moment for all of us and may it be a turning point for to special people in my life Lord. Bring pace and love. In you're name, Amen." I open my eyes and see Adam and Tommy holding hand with their eyes still closed. Wow that happened faster than I thought.

I need to focus and give this congregation the hardest and the best sermon that they have ever heard form me or anyone else. -Okay Lord, help me out here and not let me do or say something that is not true.- "So have you heard the saying don't judge a book by it cover? Well think about it! Have you ever just picked up a book without looking at it first? You just take the change of it being a good book or not. Have you just read the title and assuming that it will it will be good? WeIl good for you if you have. Now tell me if you have ever done that with a person. " I stop to look at the elders. They had a confused on look their face. I continue with my metaphor, "You know what I mean. Have you ever became friends with someone without even looking at how they are dressed or how they look, but became their friend because of their personality? If you have are they you're best friend? Are they the person that you are dating or married to? Are they the person you want to marry or be with for the rest of your life? Do you see where I'm going with this now?" I say moving over to the music stand where my notes and Bible are located.

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