The Time Has Come (part 2)

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Adam's Pov:

I heard the soft sound of my phone going off letting me know that I have a text message from some. I open my crusty eyes balls taking a around my surroundings. How did I end up back in my bed? I uncover my self and see that I am in my pajamas. I also see that I am all clean. The last time I checked I was dirty and my clothes were no better. I don't remember anything from this past week other just being in a foggy haze. I really don't remember what has caused me to become like this. All I remember is kissing my Glitter Kitty after a good time with Kailee and Kyle.

I finally break my thought train and get out of bed. I walk to my closet picking out a bright green band tee and some ripped skinny jeans. I bend down grabbing my black Doc Martin's as I let out a grateful thought. I run to my night stand and grab my phone so I can make my way to my bath room. I turn on some lofi music and change into my outfit. I look at myself in the mirror and think to myself "Holy heck, you actually look like the living dead. Let's get you back to the living." I put on the BB cream, concealer, and foundation with the hopes I look better.

I turn and grab my off checking my messaged that I forgot I received. One was from Tommy saying he hoped I feel better and that he left me a snack on the table. The other is from Kyle letting me know that Tommy is with them and that I am welcomed to join them in their office.

I dail Kyle's number and he answers with in two rings. "Kyle here, what's up Adam." He asks sweetly.

"I was wondering 8f that offer is still up. If so where is your office at?" I say sheepishly.

"I will send the GPS information to your phone. But it on the first floor, past the entrance, down at the end of the hall across from the little kid classrooms. Also stop by the three year old room and grab Lila for me." He said as he hung up the phone. After this I get another ding with the GPS information.

I walk to the kitchen and see the a container of trail mix on the table with a note.

I went to go do homework with Kailee. I hope you see this when you wake up. I hope you feeling better. I left a snack and there is a bottle of lemon tea in the fridge.
Love always,

I got the tea and snack as in walked out the door. I am so grateful for Tommy. He is so sweet and thoughtful. I hope he doesn't think he is the cause of my being in a haze. For is he not, it is just me being me. He is my world now and I don't want to lose him. I have to talk him.

My thought train was broken when I heard the doors of the elevator ding as they open to the first floor. I walk seeing all of the other kids walking about the place. I never really noticed how many people this places served. It's a super big building divided up into smaller areas. There the the Main building where the other wings connect to. This main are houses the lobby, the cafeteria, the library and the wellness center. Then there is the living quarters, the school, and the office area.

I pull out my phone and check where I need to go next. I see that I need to go straight past the lobby desk. As I do this I smile at the young lady beside it. She smiles and waved backs at me. I get to the little kid area and find Glammie's classroom. When I see the room marked with a three I know that I am at the write place. I walk and I feel an immediate hug on my legs. I look down ans see a little Lila Grace looking up at ne with a big smile. I hear a laugh from Glammie who is getting her stuff to leave for the day. She smiles and says "She has been waiting for you all week."

I sigh "Yeah, I am sorry Lila. I have had a hard week. I promise to visit you more." I smile picking the little one up. She snuggles into me placing her head on my shoulder.

"It's otay, I have a day sometimes too. I am so smiley feeling to see you." I look at her with a big smile. I give her a big hug rocking her back and forth. "Thanky for the snuggles. I like these berry much." Gosh, this kid is cute. I wonder why she is in the program. Who would hurt this precious little thing.

"You are so welcome sweetheart. I want to thank you for making my day better." I say hugging and kissing her on the cheek. I put her down so she can walk beside me. "Let's get out of here so Miss Glammie can get home." I look at Glammie who was looking as us smiling.

"Actually, I will be walking with you guys." Her smile grew as she joined me and Lila on our walk. We get back to the lobby and I see the sign that says offices. We walk to that alway and follow the signs that lead us to the hallway that GPS was leading to. "This building is so big. I have never been back this far." Glammie says with wide eyes."

"I know right, I haven't been back here yet either. This place just gets bigger and bigger by the day." I say taking Lila's hand so she would not run off. We keep walking to the end of the hall where I see the only aqua door. This door is open and I see two big black K's on. That had to be thier office and as we entered I was right.

Walking in you see Tommy at one desk doing his homework with his kitty head phones in. Kailee was sitting with Kyle on the couch near the other desk. They where snuggled watching a movie on a tablet. Lila runs over to hopping into Kyle's lap. She unwraps Kailee's arm and puts it back on Kailee's lap. She boldly looks at Kailee and states "Stop snuggling with Kywool he is my boyfriend." She pouts.

I laugh walking over to and sitting next to Kailee. I put my arm around her and smirk. "Its okay Kai, I'll be here for you."

She laughs and snuggles into to me. Lila then moves over to and does the same thing again to Kailee. "Stop he's my boyfrwend as well." She sticks her tongue out.

"Now now, Lila. You can only have one or other. Besides what about that cute guy Martin in your class. He is smitten on you." Tommy comes over and sit on the arm of the couch placing is arm around me.

"He's just my boyfrwend in class." She snuggles in to Tommy.

Kyle stands grabbing her tossing her in the air a couple of times before handing her to Glammie. "Adam, glad to see you are among the living." He said with worry in his tone. "I was worried that I might have to call a wing rescue on you. But we will talk later." Ge nods at me.

Kailee gets up next to him grabing his arm. "We called you guys here to tell you that Kyle and Eye will be taking over Lila's case. It was brought to our attention that Lila is one of my sibling kids." She looks over to Lila who is wide eyed. "As you know she has been here a week and we finally got her case. She w a s the only survival out of the car crash. My sister and the rest of her family didn't make it. It's so sad but atleast we have her. She does know about it." Kailee looks at Lila and takes her from Glammie.

"Not only are we taking over her case but she will be living with us. In time we hope to adopt her." Kyle looks at Kailee with the biggest smile.

Break the moment we hear grow coming from the little one. "Can we ppplllweeaaaasssee, go eat. I am so hungree that I could eat a horse. I mean a tall horse not a small one." She says showing us what she means.

We all laugh as we head to find some food.

Adam pov end.


What do you guys think? I love Lila. I think Kailee and Kyle will do good with her.

Much love,

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