A Very Secret Lunch Date (part 1)

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A Very Secret Lunch Date (Part 1)

Adam pov.

Kailee, Tommy Joe, and I are walking out of the church room with bibles in hand heading to Un Mundo Cafe. We will be meeting Kyle there and boy he did a good job delivering that message. He made me rethink what a real Christian is and how they are suppose to act. I never thought a Christian was not suppose to judge. I mean come on, don't they always end up judging everyone anyway. Look, now I'm being judgmental. Lol, I guess the saying that nobody is perfect is so true. I mean look at everyone, we all have that one thing that make us sinners in a since, right? Look at me I'm not perfect by no means, I have a mouth on me and I like other men. (Not trying to offend anyone. Just going by my beliefs. I still love everyone and believe we all should be equal.) Look at Kyle he may seem perfect but he is a little cocky sometimes and Kailee, well she is a different story. Kailee is as Close to being perfect as anyone can get and she the perfect example of a true Christian. She is not judgmental and she loves every one like she loves herself. Then there's Tommy, my soon to be boyfriend, who may seem like a bad boy at first, but he is the sweeties guy I have ever met. I wish there could be more people like Kailee and Tommy, heck, why not more people like Kyle. He's pretty good too. Enough on that.

We walk out of the hotel and to Kailee's aquamarine 2014 Honda X14 Accord with black lather interior seats. The shape of the car had the feel of a normal car but with a twist of a sports car in it. It had the lights and the tail thingy on the lid of the trunk to prove it. I bet this thing can kick some butt. "Wow," said Tommy Joe with his mouth hanging open slightly. "This is the prettiest car I have ever laid eyes on. Did you have this when you picked me up yesterday?"

"Thank you, but Kyle's is even better than mine. His is all suited up with the latest things." She said modestly. (See what I mean now.) "And no, I picked you up in a black company car. We could it risk having someone see you get into the car with me and falls us all the way here." She said while I'm still in shock by her car. My mouth was wide open and I was running my hands through my hair a million times. I can grantee that there was drool hanging out of my mouth and I bet it looks really attractive too.

I close my and mouth and put my hands in my pockets. I take a deep breath to calm myself down a little. "Oh my Ra Kai, this is a totally rad car. I really like the color, it matches you're dress almost perfectly." I say to her putting my are around Tommy. He moves closer and puts his arm around my waist. I notice he is shaking slightly and just assume he is cold.

"Aww thank you Adam. It does match my dress doesn't it. Never noticed that. Haha." She says laughing a little bit eyeing Tommy and I. She smiles and gets in the car shaking her head. "So what type of music do you guys want to listen to during this drive?" She says pulling of our of the parking lot with Tommy and I in the back seat. Tommy scoots over to the center and buckles up resting his elf like head on my shoulder. I buckle up and slide my arm around him resting my cheek on the top if his head.

"I like anything glam pop rockish with a twist of theater nerd with it." I say with a grin on my face. "You know like Queen, David

Bowie, and Madonna."

"I like any thing rock n roll. Like Metallica and Nine Inch Nails." Tommy says sheepishly. I look down at him and smile. "What do you like to listen to Kailee?" He asked politely. Aww, he is to good to be true.

"I like Christian rock and country. You know like Skillet and Carrie Underwood." She says keeping her eyes on the road. Wow she is even a perfect driver. How could she be more amazing. I can see why Kyle likes her so much. Not to mention they are perfect for each other. I can't wait to see them together. "Radio U it is then. They play a little bit of everything and it all Christian music. It is really good music and I think you two will really like. At least I hope you guys will like it. That all we listen to at Firebird Rescue anyway. Other then what you guys have on you're iPods. Which reminds me I need to give you guys something when we get Un Mundo." She says as her eyes light up.

The rest of the ride was pretty quite and Tommy ended up falling asleep on my shoulder. He looks so cute when he is asleep like that. His lips are parted slightly and his fringe is falling around his face like an angle. My goodness, Tommy looks so peaceful when he is asleep. Thought my arm is starting to hurt, it is okay because it would be sad if I woke him up when he didn't need to be. Kailee was focused on the road when the

song "The Way" by Ariana Grande ft. Mac Miller blasted from her phone. Wow I like that song. She hits a button in the dash board and says "Hello, Kailee speaking."

"Who is it Kai?" I ask quickly and quietly as possible. I don't want want to rude and make her miss something important. Tommy wakes up and gives me a confused look. "Kailee had a phone call baby." I tell him in a whisper as he nods and falls back asleep.

"It's Kyle." She says back to me quickly. "Hey Kyle. How is going?" She asks him as her face lit up with joy.

"It's going good, sweetie. How is everything with you, Adam, and Tommy Joe?" He asks back making Kailee blush. Aww, he called her sweetie. Kyle is so sweet that I can't help but to smile.

"Everything is good here, baby. Tommy is asleep and Adam is just listen to our convention smiling at something." She says making me blush redder than a tomato. How did she see me do that? Wow, I'm either not as sneaky as I thought or she is just that good. I'm going to go with both. "By the ways Adam, it's both. Okay Kyle, see you in like ten minutes." She says sweetly. I love Kailee but now she is scaring me a little bit. Am I really that much of an open book or something like that.

"Okay Kai, see in a few. Love ya, bye." Kyle says hanging up the phone. Aww,he said he loved her. That has to be the cutest thing next to Tommy sleeping here next to me.

"I love you too, Kyle." She says hitting the button to hang her side up. Wow they really like each other don't they. I have a new mission and it is get Kailee and Kyle together. Even if it is the last thing I do in this program. Well, other than trying to get with Tommy of course. That is my number one goal because I feel like him and I are meet for each other. You know how they say you know when you have found the right one well that is how I feel with Tommy. We have known each other for than less then a day and I feel like we have a strong connection with each other. I mean, come we feel asleep on the couch together last night with no problems at all and he is here sleeping on my shoulder. So I think that is a very good start to me. I know one thing though and that is him and I will have to get know each other a little better before we go any farther with is relationship. I also know that Kailee and Kyle want to see us together more than I want to see us together. Enough on that.

"We're here" Kailee says pulling into a parking lot and putting the car in a parking spot. "Wake up Tommy and tell him we are here." She says touching up her make up thought she does not need it. It doesn't even look like she is wearing any and that is a good thing to see. Most girls cake on the make up so much that it makes them look so fake and they don't highlight their features. I wear make up well because I like it and I want to accent my best features which are my eyes and lips. Tommy wears make up to accent those Caramel, chocolate eyes of his and those smooth pinkish lips of his. I could just kiss them right now. Mhmmm.... There's a thought for tonight when we are alone. I think to myself with what I'm sure is a sexy smirk on my almost all natural face. I'm only wearing foundation to cover up my freckles. I hate my freckles and they hate me. You really can't see them but the few on my lips. Goodness, how I very strongly dislike these things and I wish they would just go away. I need to culm down and wake up Tommy, my pretty kitty.

I look over at Tommy's sleeping face and gently shake him awake saying "Hey, pretty kitty, get up. We are here at the place for lunch." I move my hand to his face and just look at it. His eye flutter open in confusion giving me the cutest look I have ever seen on a boy and I have seen some cute looks on guys. His head was tilled slightly and his mouth was agape. With his eyes and eyebrows perfectly parallel, yet, still indescribably diagonal in a beautiful way. (Does that make sense? No really, Does it?)

"Um... Okay.... Wait? What?" He says still groggy from sleep.

Adam pov: end.


Sorry for the late update and the short chappie. I need to up date. So here you go enjoy. More to come. Hint Tommy Joe's pov.

Love and glittery owls,


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