Wait, I Swear I Have Meet You Before

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~So okay so far everything had been about Adam and Tommy Joe. There are two more Characters that are part if this story too. So let get show on the road.

So this mean that this chapter is all about Kailee and Kyle. Read.~



I Swear I have Meet You Before

Kailee pov:

So I'm here with Kyle in our board room we share. I'm kinda glad we have to work together and I'm so glad that I get to be this close to him for Gosh knows how long.

"So Kailee, was that Tommy Joe on the phone?" He said with a calm voice.

"Yes, him and Adam were Hungary and wanted food. He also said he really likes Adam." I said with a big smile in my face. This is a good thing because me and Kyle hope to bring them together after a while.

"That's good. I know Adam will love Tommy Joe. He loves short, elf-like boys who are quite and shy." He says with a smirk on his face. His smirks are so cute. I don't know him every well but I feel like I have known him forever. <No shiz Kailee, you have known him all you're life. You just don't remember.> I just wish I could figure it out and not have it tug at my heart all the time.

"Yeah, I just hope Tommy doesn't shut Adam out like he did his grandparents. I know, they won't the best but it would be better than his mom. Wouldn't it?" I ask shyly. Why am I being shy? It's not like I'm in a big room full of people I don't know. Lets just say I hate big crowds and I don't like talking in front of important people and that is why I'm the behind the scenes person of Firebird Rescue.

"Tommy won't if he already loves Adam and how couldn't he with Adam being the same way with new people. If Adam just doesn't listen to his brain, but his heart on this topic with Tommy. Adam tends to do the same mistakes over because he thinks it's his heart that this messing him up." Kyle says concerned. This is what I love about Kyle, he care for his "baby birds" like they are his own and I find that really sexy. Am I falling for Kyle? I don't know at this current time.

"That is a concern, I bet they will open up to each other once they are more comfortable with each other. Building trust doesn't happen over night,ya know. It takes time and love and patients." I say tenderly. He knows this I know, but I swear he does this to hear my voice and it is quit annoying.

I look up from staring at the floor and find him staring at me. He had a smile on his face that light up this whole room, possibly even the world. "What?" I asked shyly. I began blushing.

Kailee pov: end

Kyle pov:

"What?" She asked me shyly while blushing. She is so cute when she is shy and blushing. Just like Tommy Joe and I can see why everyone wanted her to his "mother bird". I just wish she would remember me as her friend from back in the good days. Well not so good days. I miss the shy, fun-loving Kailee that would take anything by the horns. But, that Kailee just grew up and learned to back off of her old ways. *"She was never nevi and always wise beyond her year." She has had a bad childhood, but I'm not getting in to that because I don't want to cry.

"Nothing, just thinking about a girl I had a crush on when I was in middle school." I say hiding my blush from her.

"Who is this girl? Did you ever date her?" She says slamming me with questions. "Is he pretty? Are you too still in contact?"

"She's as pretty as you and no we never dated." I say leaving a little mystery. "If you want to know more. We have to have lunch sometime and it has to be a date." Kailee doesn't answer and she is blushing tomato red. I hope she will agree to this and want to do it too. I am so excited to see how she will react after this. I think she wants to do this too and see that this girl is her. I want to bring back those memories that I cherishes with her back then.

Out of the blue my phone starts ring. The read tone is "Sober" P!nk which mean it is my boss.

"Hello, Kyle Marcus, how my I help you?" I say all professional like with Kailee just staring at me.

"Kyle, how is everything?" The low voice asks lightly.

"Everything is good, Sir." I say nervously. I do not like talking to my boss he creeps me out way to much.

"Good, I just wanted to let you know I am very proud of you and Kailee." He say laughing. "I love how you too worked together to get Adam Lambert and Tommy Joe Ratliff out of their homes and into the program. This has to one of the most powerful pairings I have ever chosen. I just want to say thank you to you both" then he hung up.

Wow, I had it on speaker phone and both me and Kailee were on our knees crying. We have never had that said to us and we were so shocked. Kailee and me both don't like people telling us that they are so great full for what we do. I can hide it better than her, but when it comes to something like that we are floored and we tend to feel like people think we are better than them. I guess you can that we are more than modest.

Kailee looks like she's about to die. I better go get her.

Kyle pov: end

Kailee pov:

I can't breath...

Did that just happen?

Why did he have to say that?

I feel like I'm going to pass out. Is... that... Kyle... picking... meeee........ Up......????

Kailee pov:

~Lovelies, did you enjoy this? Please respond with you're opinion. Sorry this took so long to update. I have been busier than Adam Lambert going shopping in Japan. Well have fun and keep reading please.~


Kayla ^v^

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