Story Info: Magic Element *Updated 12/17/23*

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The Elements:
Fire, Water, Thunder, Air, Earth, Dark, Light.

Dark and Light are Rare

Earth is considered weak and undesirable (More about it in Arc 2)

How a person utilizes their magic element depends on their mental and physical prowess.

The type of magic element a person have is not inherited. Both parents having the same element would not mean their child will inherit their element. Magic elements are randomly selected at birth. It is just how the world of Acadia works.

There is a likelihood of being born with no element.

Most of the time, both parents with a magic element will have a child with a magic element.

If both parents have no magic element, 100% of the time the child will also have no magic element.

Magic elements are not genetic. It is impossible to figure it out scientifically. It is unknown how humans came to be with it.

The most likely answer to this is the possible existence of Gods that created the world to be this way.

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