Chapter Seven: It Wasn't A Thing!

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"Oh wow! This place is different," exclaims Mia, lugging her large suitcase into the room.

After the show, we were all properly introduced to Elias and also met Mia Schmidt, and Sacha Monet. Mia and Sacha both seem really nice. And normal unlike Elias.

Mia is tall and skinny with blonde hair cut into a short bob. Her English is quite... underdeveloped. She often will get words mixed up or when we talk too fast she nods blankly, pretending to understand what we have just said.

Sacha seems to be quite a quiet guy. He is built quite small though the brown glasses perched on his nose make his eyes look massive. Jack seems to have taken quite a liking to Sacha and has taken him under his wing.

The whole drive I sat with Alex who every time Elias turned around to smile at me, would squeeze my hand tighter. I was more worried about Sienna than Elias though because when she noticed Alex had fallen asleep on my shoulder she wouldn't take her eyes off us.

I don't want to think about how the rest of the trip will go. I won't put up with eight months of glares and smiles over shoulders that seem to come from Krampus.

We are now in Port Macquarie, around four hours North of Sydney. Sleep is pulling at my eyes and I want to give in so bad. When we arrived at the motel it was almost eleven at night.

"Pretty good for a motel," Georgia gruffs from behind me. 

To me it just looked normal. A king sized bed accompanied with a single bed pushed up against one wall. A small tv on the other propped on a wooden cupboard full of snacks. My whole childhood was spent in these motels. Jumping from bed to bed with Margo. Arriving to each new motel at around midnight and having my Dad carry my inside. Staying in all sorts of rural New South Wales towns.

"Well our room is next door," Lily grunts. She is still upset about the attention Sienna has been giving Will.

"Okay! See you," Georgia cries, barging past Katy to get inside the room.


"Oh, you are fine."

Lily throws me a smirk. I roll my eyes. I can't believe I have to share a room with Georgia and Sophie.

"Have fun with the Bull," Lily laughs in my ear.

She walks away with a flick of her blonde hair as I poke my tongue out at her. She might never see me again though; Georgia might kill me in my sleep. I hope she feels extremely guilty that this was our last encountrer.

"Mia!" Lily shouts.

Lily has sort of been treating Mia like a pet she has to drag along. Sure Mia is very enthusiastic about being in Australia and has taken liking to Lily but she doesn't need to call for her like a dog.

Mia doesn't seem to mind though. I just think she likes that Katy and Lily are being friends with her.

Like waking out of a trance, Mia jolts and stops staring into the small room. 

"I am coming!" she calls. "Das ist so toll."

Mia hauls her suitcase back out of the doorway. "Goodbye Madison. Do sleep okay."

I wave to Mia as she disappears into the room next door. For being one of the best young riders in Germany, she sure is quirky.

I pick my bag up and plop in onto the single bed pushed up against the window. Georgia and Sophie are already unpacking their toiletries. 

"We thought you could sleep by the window because if a kidnapper breaks in they will take you and not us," Georgia smiles, running a brush through her black hair.

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