Chapter Twenty-Four: Nightime Rush

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The TV just hums in the background, my thoughts drowning it out. While the other girls are sprawled on the beds, I'm standing in front of the full-length mirror. I can't believe this is happening.

"Do you must really go now?" Mia asks. Her English is slowly improving.

I continue to plait my brown hair, tying it tightly at the ends with a brown hair tie. 

"Yeah, Justin told me I have to go down now to fix it," I sigh.

Someone give me an Oscar.

Katy groans from her spot on the bed that has been pushed up under the window. "Gosh, how did they manage to give a total stranger your tack?"

I shrug, smoothing out my jeans.

Yep, that was the amazing excuse I made to sneak back to the stables to meet Elias; that Virgo's tack was mistaken by one of the permanent adgistees and they took it home. 

There are many falts in this lie, I know. For example, how did someone take Virgo's tack when it is in the SEC trucks? Why would I need to go back down to the riding centre to fix it? Why does it need to be fixed so late at night?

Luckily these questions were not asked because Mia or Katy has they are too focused on the Bondi Rescue episode playing on the tiny motel TV. Apparently, Katy is an expert on the show and Mia is very fascinated with everything going on. Prime Australian drama this is.

Quickly, I grab my black shoes that are by the pale door and slip them onto my feet. Elias told me to meet him at ten. Glancing at the large clock on the wall I see it is 9:42 pm. I'll be a bit late but he can wait.

Throwing my final goodbyes to the girls over my shoulder, I open the door and step out into the night air. The outside world is warm but so dark I need to turn on my phone torch. Jitters start to fluster in my stomach and goosebumps start to creep up my arms.

I was hoping that Elias would have dropped all this nonsense after what happened with Katy. I was hoping he would just give me back Margo's necklace and leave me out of it. That isn't the case though.

Practically dragging my feet, I step away from my motel room and start to walk towards the main road. 


The gravel in the driveway crunches under my feet. I've finally arrived at Fan Bay Equestrian Centre; the horses will be staying here while we are at Darwin. The darkness makes it impossible to make out anything except for the dark shapes of trees and the shadows of horses.

It's taken me twenty minutes to walk from the motel to the agistment centre. The nerves from meeting Elias tonight have completely blocked out any sense of safety in me. I could have been kidnapped or snatched as I walked down the streets.

Yet, I'm more scared of seeing Braceface.

I remember how to get to the outdoor arena from the driveway even though I've only been this way a few times during the day. Whispy trees dressed in darkness line the driveway. I continue to walk, hardly seeing anything in front of me. Soon the driveway widens and splits into different ways that lead to paddocks and the two arenas.

They don't have a stable here.

I hold my phone out in front of me, illuminating the path in front of me. The road to the arena stretches on for what seems like forever, being sucked into the darkness. My eyes are adjusted enough to see the arena structure in the near distance.

Here goes nothing.

My footsteps are the only things I can hear, other than the light hum of cars driving on the main road meters away. The hair on my arms stands straight up. This feeling of loneliness is incredibly frightening. Elias is out here somewhere.

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