Chapter Thirteen: I've Got A Plan

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It is killing me knowing Elias Nilsson still has my sister's necklace. He will only give it back to me when he feels I've helped him cause enough damage. I don't want to know how much I'll have to do or what Elias is willing to do, to be satisfied.

We haven't spoken since our little confrontation at the Brisbane Summer Classic. I have actually hardly seen him and when I do I can barely look at him without feeling sick.

How could he have gotten Margo's necklace? That is the only question on my mind.

"Did Sarah tell you about how her mother's trying to get full custody of her?"

Bishop's voice wakes me from my daze. He is turned around in Rosie's saddle, waiting for my answer. I give Virgo a longer rein so he can stretch as he walks behind Rosie.

"Oh, yeah," I lie. "It's crazy."

"I know right. Her dad is actually quite a good guy. Sarah thinks her mum is just trying to get back at her for deciding to stay at her dad's while she heals."

I pretend I'm listening and give Bishop a nod. The truth is that Sarah never told me about this. She hardly mentions her parents' divorce or her home life to me. Sarah only talks to Bishop about it. 

It does make me feel left out sometimes. Maybe Sarah doesn't trust me enough? She has known Bishop for a lot longer than she has known me. But she knows I'd never tell a soul. She could just not want me to judge her or worry me with her issues.

Is that how Alex feels? Is that why he won't tell me about his issues?

Bishop's voice is still talking but I turn around in my saddle, Virgo still swaying steadily under me. I wonder how Alex is doing? 

"Why are you turning around and not listening to me?" Bishop asks crossly.

"I am checking up on Alex and making sure Fletcher is behaving," I reply, still looking behind me.

I hear Bishop's groan. "Of course. Boy Wonder is so important of course. More important than my stories!"

I pretend to not hear him.

Behind me is Will on Romeo, but Will isn't exactly on Romeo. He is on the ground, trying to pick up sand while we walk along.

We've made a pitstop in Mackay, a city in Queensland which is about four hours from where we are headed-Townsville. Antonio somehow made arrangements for us to ride on the beach so we could spend some time together seeing nature.

Might I say I'm glad he made us do it? Being outdoors on this stunning beach really makes you happy to be alive. The tide has gone out, meters of sand crunching under the horses' hooves. I think this is Virgo's first time on a beach. Even though the water looks so far away, the light blue sea still shines. 

Justin had said when we first started walking, that past the horizon is where the Great Barrier Reef sits. I like to imagine that it is still full of colour and isn't slowly being bleached. Margo always wanted to go there and see the fish, now I'm just kilometers away from it.

I continue to watch Will scoop up sand.

"Hey Alex?" he calls, head buried in the sand like an ostrich.

Alex, who is riding behind Will, looks down at him. "Yes?"

"You like the taste of sand?"

Like a snake striking, Will whips around and throws the sand-ball at Alex's face. Fletcher shies as the sand rockets towards Alex. He lifts an arm so it doesn't hit his face, trying to not be unbalanced by Fletcher's sudden movements.

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