Chapter Thirty-Eight: Oh, Sienna, What Have You Done?

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It's pitch black outside. It wasn't like that before. I swear last time I looked out the window the sun was just beginning to set. When did all this time pass?

I'm sitting on a stool by Antonio's wooden desk. Technically it isn't Antonio's. Technically it belongs to Robert Menrae who owns this establishment. I only know this as for the last few minutes I've been scanning the papers that are sprawled out all over the desk. Most of them are bills or registration documents.

The click of a phone being placed down draws my eyes away from the papers. 

Shame, I think. I was quite enjoying snooping.

Justin has just set his phone down on this man's-Robert's-desk. He looks at me with a weary expression. Then he softly smiles.

"I just sent the message-they'll be here soon," Justin says, leaning back against the desk.

Right...They. They as in the whole of the Junior Competition team. They as in the entire Senior Competition team. They as in Sienna and Elias.

All of us squashed into one room to discuss what no one wants to discuss: the truth.

Sighing, I look away from Justin and stare forward and out the two large windows that sit to the right of the office door. The view into the stables is non-existent as night has fallen. A single dim oyster light attached to the roof is keeping the small, dusty room lit.

"Why haven't you guys yelled at me yet?" I ask.

Justin looks at me with his bushy eyebrows raised. "Do you want us to yell at you, Miss Maddie?"

Lettting out a sigh, my shoulders slump. "I deserve it."

I'm surprised when I hear Justin chuckle.

"Antonio and I have noticed you've been off for a few weeks now and from what it sounds like you've dealt with a lot so yelling at you would just be cruel," Justin concludes. "We'll yell at you later when you feel better."

That makes me laugh.

"I don't think I'll ever feel better," I admit with a giggle.

Justin shakes his head, also flashing a smile. 

At that moment Antonio enters the office, a styrofoam cup in his hand. Approaching me, he holds it out.

"Here," he says. "Drink."

Shakely, I take the cup and put it to my mouth to drink. Antonio looks down at me, his face still slightly red, the disappointment still on his features. My heart starts to hurt.

"Thanks," I mumble. "Where are-"

Before I can finish my question, the answer arrives. 

Once again the office door opens and the air catches in my throat, nearly causing me to choke on the water. In walks both the Senior Competition team and the Junior Competition in one single file, intimitating line. I keep my eyes focused on them as I lean backwards and place my cup down. They each give me either an awkward glance or a sharp glare as they enter.

Suddenly the room is filled with people and the air becomes thick. Lily, Mia and Katy stand by Justin, their arms folded. Sacha and Jack walk in and lean their backs against the wall to my left.

My heart hammers in my chest when I see Elias and Sienna walk this, their faces moulded to have smug smiles. They perch themselves on the ratty blue couch undernieth the windows and when Bishop enters he sits in between them.

Lastly, Alex walks into the small office, Will trudging in behind him. I bite the inside of my cheek-maybe that will stop the pain in my heart-and tense up. I haven't seen him in a couple of days and I find it hard to look at him.

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