Chapter Twenty-Nine: Horse Hunt

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It wasn't until Antonio got a phone call in the middle of the day, that everyone found out that their horses had gone missing. 

Sacha had said there would be no way we would find the horses.

Katy had said that this would have to be the second-worst thing that's happened to SEC besides the horse thieves.

Will had said that with the missing horses and the deflated tires, someone must be targeting SEC. 

Sadly, Will is right; all this is happening because of someone wanting to ruin SEC. But what everyone doesn't know, is that the person ordering the attacks is standing right next to them, helping search for the horses. 

And, technically, I'm helping him.

"Majesty!" Lily shouts, cupping her hands to her face. "Where are you?"

She leads the way through the long grass, scouring the land for any trace of the horses. There were hoof marks and fresh poo lining the road where Elias and I set the horses free about two hundred meters down. Now the group has split into teams to search for the missing ponies. Lily and I are tasked with pushing through the grassy field on the right-hand side of the road.

"Majesty!" Lily calls again. "Come ou-"

"Oh, will you shut up!" Georgia shouts from my side.

Oh, did I mention Georgia decided to join us?

Lily halts, the yellow grass rising past her hips. "So sorry I'm trying to find the missing horses, Georgia."

"Well, we are never going to find them if you keep squawking like a Brazilian Green bird!" Georgia spits, wiping the sweat from her brow. "This heat is killing me and your shouting isn't helping."

Lily turns around, running her hand with a sigh through her sweaty roots. "Georgia, can you not complain like a toddler for two seconds? Is that so hard?"

I start to nibble the tip of my thumb.

Georgia sniffs. "Firstly you're the child in this situation, being all frantic, and secondly if we are going to find our horses you are going to have to shut up and be quiet."

"Georgia do you honestly think you are smarter than me?"


"Well, you aren't so shut up and just help for once."

The rest of their argument disappears as my brain blurs it out. It's insufferable. All I can do is stare at the stony ground, the thought of something terrible happening to any of the horses replaying over and over in my mind. Georgia and Lily's voices ring in my ears and my brain starts to hurt as images of Virgo start popping into my mind. My jaw clamps down on my tongue and I feel a piercing feeling rip through-

"Will you two stop it!" I shout, hot tears flowing to my eyes.

Georgia and Lily fall silent.

"My horse is out in a strange town somewhere and I don't know where he is! He could have been hit by a car for all we know," I continue. "Now Lily shut up because they are probably jittery and running around scared. Georgia you need to shut up as well and stop whining because we are also looking for your horse too. Okay?"

They both stare back at me, their mouths hanging open. I gulp.

Georgia's eyebrows shoot up after a painfully long pause of silence. "Wow... Hate to say it Maddie, but... you're right."

Maybe it's just the heat getting to her, but I'll take it. 

Wiping away the tears forming in my eyes I look over to Lily. To my surprise, she isn't red in the face or looking at me like she's pissed off. Lily smiles at me softly instead, the pain showing in her eyes. With her arms outstretched, Lily strides over to me. I let out a small laugh as Lily reaches up and throws her arms around me to hold me in a tight embrace. 

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