Chapter 1

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Name: y/n Shuester (yes you are Mr Shuester's daughter. He made your mom pregnant when he and Terri were on a break)

Age: Second year of high school so 15

Family: your mom (Tessa)

Friends: Since you are new no one yet. You were bullied on your previous school.

⭐y/n pov⭐

Today is my first day at WMHS. It is my dad's school. He coaches the Glee Club. Today I am auditioning for it. I really hope they let me in. Now my first class is Spanish and apparently my dad teaches this too. But because I am new I have to go to see miss Pillsbury.

~time skip~

Miss Pillsbury is so obsessed with my dad it is embarrassing... Anyways, today I saw 3 beautiful girls in the hallways. They were wearing cheerleading outfits. So after Glee Club audition, I am going to try-out for the cheerleaders. Even if it is just for the 3 beautiful girls. Of the 3 girls there was this 1 girl who caught my eye immediately. She has a slightly darker skin tone, an evil look on her face and looks like she hasn't came out yet.

At my previous school I was bullied because I was openly lesbian. Here no one knows.

But again about the Hispanic goddess. I heard one of the 2 blonds call her Santana. One of the blonds was Quinn. I don't know much about her or anyone else in that matter. The last one was Brittany. They said that she needs to pay more attention in class...

So it is time for my Glee club audition and I am super nervous! After this I am going to try-out for the cheerleaders. I heard Coach Sylvester is impossible but I don't want to have my judgement ready before I met her.

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