Chapter 30

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You go back inside and go lie on the couch with Quinn and fall asleep before Bambi's mom is dead. Quinn sees this and just lets you sleep. She finishes her movie and goes upstairs to try to sleep. After half an hour she comes back down and carries you upstairs to sleep by your side.

^a few weeks later^

The Santana incident is forgotten but now school starts next week. And Quinn is changing into a skank each day a little more. You are worried. You have met up with Santana and Brittany multiple times in the past few weeks to address this problem, but Santana doesn't wanna help, I don't blame her... Quinn did wanna kill her... Brittany wanted to help at first but when she heard that Santana doesn't wanna help she backed out all of a sudden.

A/n: I'm gonna be working with flashbacks, don't worry you won't miss a thing.

*The day after Santana was here*

It's morning. Why is it morning already? I was having the best dream. I was in Hollywood and everyone wanted to sleep with me and I felt so loved and wanted. As I said before: Why is it morning?

Q: "Good morning Heaven."

Y: "No. Morning."

Q: "What? Why isn't it a good morning?"

Y: "Cause it's morning. Duh."

Q: "But don't I make it better? 😏"

Y: "Maybe a bit"

You guys kiss while smiling.

Y: "Maybe the 'good' can come before the morning. 😏"

Q: Wanna make it an even better morning?😏"

Y: "What do you have in mind?😏"

Q: "Pancakes of course. Were you thinking something else 😏?"

Y: "You were too😏"

Q: "First food. Then you 😏"

Y: "I don't think I can wait that long 😏."

Q: "You will have to cause these legs aren't opening up for anyone before I have food."

Y: "But you can eat me😏"

Q: "Y/N! NO! MY MOM IS COMING HOME ANY MOMENT! You can eat breakfast dressed but then you will have to go home."

Y: "Only if you're gonna come with me.😏"

Q: "NO!"

Y: "Why not?"

*meanwhile you are walking downstairs and Quinn is already in the kitchen, cooking*

Q: "Because I haven't seen my mom since like forever. So you can eat breakfast and then you need to get out!"

Y: "But why? Your mom likes me. You like me. Why can't you officially introduce me to your mom? Or is it too soon?"

Q: "It is too soon! My mom met Finn when we celebrated our first anniversary so don't get your hopes up. It's not because you are a girl that I will discard all of my rules. If you can stick with me for a year in a relationship, you can meet my mom."

Y: "But I have already met her. What if I stick around long enough. Like 'till your mom gets here and then when I leave I yell casually "See you later babe"? What do you say?"

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