Chapter 27

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I know she was crying, so was I, but she looked kinda cute.


I am so nervous.... Last time we didn't even get here. So this is a really big deal. I hope we win. We finally gained some popularity in the school because we got to nationals. The song "Pretending" that Finn wrote isn't bad, but it is obviously written for/because of Rachel... I'm not sure. I do am sure that for some reason I ended up dancing with Santana in "Light up the world" I do love that song though. And Santana obviously. Maybe I am making it too obvious.... Anyway, Vocal Adrenaline was so good! I do hold a grudge against Rachel for sending Sunshine to that crack house. I know it was inactive but still. She was jealous because Sunshine could sing the same or even better than her. But for some reason Finn kissed Rachel! Right after "Pretending"!  I CAN'T HANDLE THIS! I ALMOST DID THE SAME THING TO SANTANA BUT I COULD CONTROL IT! DAMMIT FINN! THIS IS GONNA COST US NATIONALS. Also the silence between the kiss and 'Light up the world' was awfully long. I literally ripped them apart and started singing. That kiss could've lasted forever.

We are going to see how we placed. We may have sung better than the rest but because of that damn Finchel kiss, we probably didn't even place at all. And I was right! We were 12th.

*in the dressing rooms later*

Y: "God dammit Finn! Was that necessary? We all heard your conversation before the song, so just focking waited until after the performance! It doesn't matter how badly you love someone, you can't just kiss them! First, it might not be allowed. Rachel told you that you would stand in the way of her career; Second, BECAUSE OF YOU WE LOST! WE WERE BETTER THAN ALMOST ALL OF THE TOP 10 PLACEMENTS! COMMON DUDE! I know we had our differences in the past but if you ever do something like this again, I will kill you and hang your body on the focking White House!"

S: "Hey Y/n, calm down. It's just show choir."

R: "It's not 'just show choir' and Y/n is right. That was really stupid, Finn. I don't blame you because, well, you have eyes but still."

Y: "Rachel, don't make this about you because it's not and I would like to let it stay like that for a while."

R: "Ouch, but go on."

S: "I think I speak for everyone when I say well said Y/n"

J: "Yeah Y/n, I couldn't have said it better myself. But I would probably use vulgar and inappropriate."

Y: "Thanks Jesse and Santana. So Finn. Don't ever cross my path again with something bad or I will do something bad and I don't care about the jail time. Remember that."

F: "I'll remember it Y/n. Are you on your period or something?" The last sentence he whispered to the boys and they started laughing but he said it loud enough that you could hear it.

Y: "What do you mean by that, huh? That I can't call your dumb ass out when I'm not on my period?" Now all the girls started standing up and talking to each other. Santana was stood next to me. She even held my hand for support. And I started blushing a little. Not harder than the blush I was wearing for the performance so that's good.

S: "Yeah, exactly. It's not because you do something stupid and Y/n isn't afraid to call you out, pig, that she is on her period. I would've called you out but she was first. Were you gonna make the same comment about me? Or is Y/n just not that scary? Because that is some bullshit that your ass would be jealous."

F: "Ummmm no, I- that was a dumb comment. I'm sorry. I didn't mean too...... How can I make it up to you?"

Y: "Not. You just insulted my whole being. It's not because a few days every month I loose some blood that I can't kick your ass any other day. I will never forget this. Maybe forgive, but never forget."

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