Chapter 29

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You put on the pj's that were laid on the bed and you go back downstairs to finish your movie. When the movie ends, you go upstairs. You just sleep in the clothes you were wearing.

#the next morning#

Your alarm goes off and you stop it as soon as possible. You change into the clothes that you had in your backpack. You write the same note 3 times. You put one on the door of her bedroom, on her phone and the stairs.

You get to the pool and Santana is already waiting there.

Y: "Hey San, you are here on time. What a surprise. Sorry that I am a bit late."

S: "It is 11:01. That is not late. That is still on time."

Y: "No. That is a minute late. Come, let's go swim."

You have fun. Your faces were really close at times and you needed to shove the urge to kiss her way down. But you saw the same desire on her face. Yes, I miss her. But I am happy with Quinn. And Santana doesn't seem to mind that she is used for experiments, so as long as she seems happy doing that, there is no chance that you guys are getting back together.

Y: "Hey, do I need to drop you off at your house?"

S: "It is only 3 PM. That is not necessary. Can't we hang out a bit more?"

Y: "Ow, yeah, sure. Where do you wanna go?

S: *in her mind* in your pants. *out loud* "the park?"

Y: "Yeah, let's go."

You guys talk a lot. Then suddenly, it's dark.

Y: "OMG, it's already dark. I'll drop you off at home. That is the responsible thing to do, right?"

S: "Yes, it is. Okay, you know my address?"

Y: "Yes."

S: "Okay, let's go."

You arrive at her house. Before she leaves, she kisses you. Very lightly and fast but still. You pull away, but she was already gone.

You drive to Quinn's house to tell the news.

Y: *knock knock*

Q: "Heaven, you're back! But it is already dark! Where were you?"

Y: "First at the pool, then at the park. With Santana."

Q: "Ow, okay. Did you have fun? Do you wanna come inside?"

Y: "Inside sounds good. And yes, I had fun. Until Santana kissed me..."


Y: "No! You don't get to be angry or freak out. Because if you freak out, I freak out, so don't freak out."

Q: "I get to be angry! The bitch kissed my girlfriend. Drive me to her house."

Y: "I can't do that without permission from your mom."

Q: "My mom isn't coming home. She sends me a message telling me I'll see her next week."

Y: "Then you will have to drive to her house yourself because I am not taking you!"

Q: "Fine! I'll just send a text to one of my other friends."

Y: "What other friends? I have never seen you talk to anyone else except Glee Club and Santana and Brittany...."

Q: "They are called 'The Skanks'. I have some classes with them, that's how I met them. I helped them study, now they are my friends."

Y: "Okay, fine. I'll take you, but you will have to introduce your new friends to me. They sound, how do I put it.... interesting."

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