Chapter 15

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So in 1 day I lost the 2 most important people in my life....

🔥Y/n pov🔥

Today is my mother's funeral. I invited the whole school. Only The Unholy Trinity came. No one else even bothered to come. Even Puck came. But he just stood in the back. Santana sat next to me. I cried my eyes out. I wouldn't care if the president of the USA sat next to me I would use him as my living tissue. I cried so much I slept for 25 hours straight. When I woke up it was 6 am in the morning. I decided to go to school. It's Friday so Santana is not as early as usual. So I just sit in the bathroom stall and think. About how everyone is leaving me and how I am all alone. Again. I listen to the playlist I listen to the most. 'heartbroken'. I thought it would fit the situation...

✨Santana pov✨

I want to go to school already but I can't. You know. Family expectations and obligations.
Family time is over. I rush over to school. I look for Y/n. She is crying in the bathroom. I try to talk to her but she is too busy crying. The first thing that pops up in my mind is to kiss her. So I kiss her. She stops. Stops breathing, crying, talking. She just stops. After 3 seconds or so she pulls away.

Y: "Santana what are you doing? You are dating Puck! This can't happen. No! (Runs away)
S: "Y/n wait! I~"
Y: (turns around) "No Santana! This can't happen again. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. So no! And pls stop contacting me! I appreciate what you did at the funeral but I don't care if you were the president of the USA. I wouldn't give a single fock!"

Hearing fock made me think about our time together. The amazing sex we had. Now I start crying.

Y: "No Santana! You can't cry! Not after you betrayed me because 'Oh no! People might think bad about me!'. Santana just go away! Don't come back either.. (You run away)
S: (crying) "Y/n! No! Don't go!" (Starts sobbing)

🧠Y/n pov🧠

I'm so pissed at Santana like unnatural! She doesn't have the right to cry after what she did to me! I go to the choir room. Brad the Piano Player is already there. I ask him to play All of Me. While I am singing this I feel that someone has entered the room but I don't give a fuck. I know who it is when he starts singing along. It's Kurt. I turn around and we sing the rest of the song together. It was only 1 minute but he understood my pain like no one else can/could.

Y: "Thanks Kurt. I needed it.
K: "Anytime y/n/n (Your nickname). What's up? You don't sing a song like that and cry during it without a good reason.
Y: "True that. How much time do you have?"
K: "For you? All day"
Y: start explaining. (Since you just read it I'm not gonna write it)
K: "Okay I have 2 questions. 1) How was the sex😏😏? And 2) Santana is gay?"
Y: " Okay. I have 2 answers. 1) the sex was none of your business 🙃 and 2) yeah... You were not supposed to know.... Kurt, can you promise to not tell anyone? Pls?
K: "I promise to not tell anyone. But what I understood from this story is that you still love her. And I think she loves you... I would say I am gonna go ask her, but I am not that close to her... You know...."
Y: "Yeah I know. I can always ask Brittany or Quinn but that will be suspicious.... Anyways thanks for listening and ummm I am gonna go to class. Thanks for skipping first period with me!"
K: "Anytime Y/n. Wanna walk together?"
Y: "Of course! 😀"

- lunch break -

You sit with Kurt and Mercedes. First I thought Kurt was crazy when he said he was friend with Mercedes. I thought he was friends with a car🤦🏼‍♀️. Anyways. Mercedes is so awesome! And I forgot that she was also in Glee. In Glee my mind wasn't always present.... Now that I see her I remember that I saw her in Glee Club already... I'm so stupid.....

- lunch break over -

Apparently I have almost every class with Kurt. The one I don't have with him I also don't have with Santana so that's ok. But that is also Spanish class. Which is the class of my father... That isn't that great.... A good thing I can speak almost fluently Spanish... Thank you to the night shop where I worked before I worked in the supermarket.

😙Santana pov😙

Y/n has been ignoring me all day... And Puck broke up with me. Again. I am gonna get a text message tonight if I can come over and I will to keep my image up.... I know I shouldn't care that's much but I just can't help it. Because when they spread rumours about me, I am gonna get slushied. I don't want a slushie on my head... Sometimes I wanna hurt myself because of it. And then I think. But what if people see it... I know Y/n did or does it... I just want to protect her. Because if she is hurt, I am hurt.

When I come home my mom is angry. And when I say angry I say angry! She is mad because I wanted to leave for school really early! Why does life has to be so unfair!??!

My mom's tantrum is over. She yelled at me. And called me names. Over and over and over again. I think she doesn't really love me................... Now I am just gonna sleep and forget all about this day. Good night

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