Chapter 20

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They keep fighting. In the end Santana wins, and the second guy ran away. Santana had some bruises but that was okay. When she got home, I kissed her goodbye and send a text to Kurt asking if he could pick me up half an hour earlier. He agreed.

⭐Y/n pov💕

Me and Kurt just picked up Santana. She is sleeping on the backseat of the car. Guess she didn't have much sleep tonight. I hope she doesn't fall asleep in class. I can wake her up, but that isn't my job. My job is to love and protect her. That works both ways, I know that. It's just... I don't know... I love her. I do it's just. Ya know.

~ school is done ~

Santana didn't fall asleep today. When me and Kurt drive Santana home, the house is empty. When I say empty, I mean empty. The only thing untouched is Santana's bedroom and the bathroom next to her bedroom. Ow yeah. The kitchen had no food anymore but it stood. Her parents just left. There was a note in the kitchen.

Hey Santana,

It's you mom. I know we said we supported you but we can't HELP you. I wish I could say anyMorE, but I said everything. See you in a next life, sugar cubes.

Santana starts crying. Really loud. I look at the note again. There are capital letters in the wrong places. The capital letters spell HELP ME.

Y: "Hey Santana. There is something wrong with this note. Look the wrong capital letters spell help me. Has she ever called you sugar cubes before?"
S: "Now that you mention it. No. This is the first time. *She starts thinking*. My dad did get violent sometimes. Mostly when he was drunk. He always hit my mom. She protected me. *Smiles at the thought of it*. But you said something about the capital letters. Say it now or I'll take your tongue."
Y: "Okay okay, no need to get violent. It spells 'help me'. Is there a place that you guys used to go to all the time?"
S: "Yeah, breadstix..... The camping! We used to go to this camping not far from here but as a child it was a whole new world. I don't know the name anymore but I do know the way. Wanna walk with me?"
Y: "I would walk 100 miles for you. Just let me look into those pretty eyes. 😌"
S: "Don't infect me with love. I need me anger to take on my dad."
Y: "Okay love. I won't love you untill we find your family."
S: "Deal 🤝"
Y: 🤝

You guys are on your way. Then all of a sudden you see a sign saying "Camping Paradise. 10 miles ahead". You cheer. Santana moans (not in that way).

Y: "Why so sad?"
S: "Because I trained my fighting skills with my dad, but I could never hurt him or win. I just hope my rage will help me."
Y: "Before we enter the camping let's discuss the plan. While you fight your dad, I will take your mom. So then she is already safe. I did some martial sports when I was little. When I am sure your mom is safe, I will call Kurt. Then your mom can stay with him in the car. When you think your ready just yell "gone" and we'll run as fats as we can. Sounds good?"
S: "Yeah it does. Ummm 1 problem. Call Kurt now. So he'll be here already."
Y: "Smart thinking Lopez."

*You call Kurt*

Y: "Hey Kurt. Is there any chance that you could come to Camping Paradise? Right now? Pretty please 🥺"
K: "Of course I come Y/n. See ya in 10."

*You hang up*

Y: "He is on his way. Let's kick some ass."
S: "First of all, I am gonna see if they are really here. If they are here, I will come back. If they don't I will also come back. See you later."

Santana leaves. Kurt arrives. You ask him to keep the motor running. Then you hear people fighting and rush to the sound of it. You see Santana fighting her dad. You run inside the trailer and take Santana's mom. You guide her to Kurt and ask him to keep her company. You rush back. You see Santana pinned to the ground, crying. Her father je telling aweful things at her. He doesn't see or hear you, so you come close and kick him. First in the face. When he falls down, you kick him right in the nuts. He's in to much pain so you and Santana run to Kurt's car. He leaves fast as fock. Since it's over you want to kiss Santana, but her mother is in the car and I don't want to burden her. I know she was supportive and all but we don't want her to feel attacked or so. But then Santana kisses me. Of course I kiss her back. Then Kurt coughs to remind us was are not alone. I nod thankfully and ask a few questions to Santana's mom.

Y: "Hello miss, I am really sorry that you needed to go through that. Did something like this ever happened before? I get it if you don't want to answer. I kinda want to become a cop later."
MS: "Hey no worries. I will a sweet every question you ask me if you answer mine. Deal?"
Y: "Deal"
MS: "Umm no. This is the first time he has truly lost it. Sometimes when he drinks a bit, but this time wasn't like that. I guess he just freaked out about Santana her news. *Directly to Santana.* Sweety that's not your fault. You are who you are. Your father has to live with it. *Back to you.* What's your name, daughters girlfriend?"
Y: "My name? It's Y/n Shuester. What's is yours miss Lopez?"
MS: "My name is Maribel Lopez. Would you tell me a bit about yourself Y/n Shuester?"
Y: "Yeah ummm, I am like Santana a lesbian, I go to school with your daughter. My mom passed away a few months ago. My dad is Mr Shuester. He coaches Glee Club at your daughter's school. I also sing. In the Glee Club like Santana. We both are Cheerios and out lockers are next to each other. That's how we met actually. Okay my turn again. Ummm how did you and your husband met? Oh no dumb question. I hope that didn't sound insensitive."
M: "No it's okay Y/n. Umm we met in a cocktailbar. I was a  waitress. He just picked me. We had a one night stand and that girl over there came out. He had no choice but to marry me. It all was a big mistake. What do you think of my daughter?"
S: "Yeah I would like to know this too."
K: "Yeah same!"
Y: "Kurt! You're supposed to be on my side!"
K: "I'm sorry. I'm just really interested."
Y: "Ugh fine. I think Santana is a true goddess. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She is funny, charismatic, and best of all perfect. If she needed to scream, I would let her make me deaf. If she wanted to cook, I would let her burn down the kitchen, if she wants to save her mom from her dad, I would join and make sure everyone is unharmed."

Everyone is silent for about 20 miles. Then Santana just takes my hand and squishes it. I squish back 8 times. One for every letter of I love you. She rests her head on my shoulder and falls asleep. Then Santana's mom also falls asleep. Kurt thinks it's too late and asks if I can take the weel. He parks the car and we switch places. Santana kinda wakes up, mumbles something and falls back asleep. Kurt also falls asleep. I put on some music but not too loud. I hum along with the songs so I don't wake anyone.

This is the story about how me and my gf got really close with my gf's mom.

Hey guys, I know it's been a long time but I broke both my arms and my legs. Every idea I had I typed with my nose. All better now see ya next time

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