Chapter 23

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Only that now it's March and we already came clean to the school. The whole town probably knows too. The only thing that spreads faster than light is gossip.

😭Y/n pov😭

The bell rings. Kurt arrives. I come out of the bathroom and yell so Santana comes to the door. She wants to kiss me, but I lean back far enough so she can't reach my lips.

S: "Playing hard to get with your girlfriend? 😏😂"
Y: "Ummm yeah, that's it. Santana, can we talk after school?"
S: "Talk or talk 😏?"
Y: "Talk"
S: "Ow yeah, sure."

During the day I distance myself from Santana. I can't handle it without already saying it, so I go to the school nurse. I tell her I don't feel and that I am about to vomit so she lets me go home. At home, I start to write my lines. I don't want to mess up. When I arrive at my home, Maribel opens the door.

M: "Y/n, what are you doing home?"
Y: "Umm I didn't feel so good so I decided to come home. I'm just gonna go to my room. Bye Miss Lopez"
M: "Okay bye sweetie. If you need anything just yell and I will be right there.

I go upstairs. First I cry. Then I start writing.

Hey Santana. So I need to tell you something. Yes, very sweet but I love you so much, you know that but loving you hurts. A lot. I know this sounds sweet, but I can't handle it. I can't handle your amount of love and tenderness. At home, I never experienced this. My mom was a single mom. And depressed. She tried to take her own life multiple times. I believe that you are my soulmate, my everything. But the love is too much. I know you love me, but I am gone. You can't get me back. So it is probably for the better if we are not a couple anymore. I love you a lot but I can't handle it. I'm just gonna go my way for a few days. Don't come looking for me.

Yours truly,
Y/n <3

About halfway, I thought it would be better if I just wrote a letter. That's less painful. The only problem is Santana's mum who is sitting downstairs. She probably won't let me go since I said I was sick... Well.... I'll find an excuse.

Okay, so my excuse was: "When you're sick, you need fresh air. I'm gonna go for a walk. See you later 👋"

It's so quiet in the forest. I am searching for my cabin. When I was little my mother bought us/me a cabin. I always go there if I wanna take my mind of things. No one knows about this. So they won't search for me there.

~a few days later~

Alright, so nobody found me yet. I did have some time to think and maybe I should return home..... But then on the other hand, I'm not ready to confront Santana already. But then again in a few weeks it's regionals so I have to return. AH! I just go to Kurt's home. He will make sure I'm safe. And then maybe I can tell him about the cabin. Keyword is maybe...... I do am sorry for hurting so many feelings. I just hope Santana won't take it too personal. And if she does it's not my problem anymore. No it is my problem! Because of me she feels like this.... I just hope she and I can still be friends.

I'm walking to Kurt's house. I hope he will understand. I knock. Burt opens the door.

B: "Y/n! I didn't expect to see you here. I thought you were missing? 🧐"
Y: "Well, I came back. Is Kurt home?"
B: "Yeah if course he is. You know the way."
Y: "Yeah, thanks Mr Hummel."
B: "Common Y/n. It's Burt!"
Y: "Nope! It's me Hummel until you die! But please don't die!"
B: "Not planning it any time soon!"

Y: "Hey Kurt! I'm ba-a-ack."
K: "Y/n! You scared the shit out of me! Don't ever do that again! Every one was worried. Santana the most! She even cried. I heard you wrote a letter and I asked of I could read it but Santana wouldn't let me. I am a bit hurt that you didn't leave me a letter." The last sentence he says playfully hurt.
Y: "I'm sorry 😂. But time for seriousness. Could you please not call Santana? I need some more time and I am worried that she is just gonna yell at me...."
K: "You ain't wrong! But first she is probably gonna hug and kiss you and cry while hugging. Then she is gonna yell. Even more if she finds out you came to me first."
Y: "No, I don't think she will. That letter was kind of hurtful and mean. I told her ummmm well you'll hear tomorrow probably."
K: "Ummm okay then."

Since it's already late, Kurt and I are just gonna sleep. The next day getting up is really painful. Since I disappeared Santana has been going to school very early in the morning again.... When me and Kurt arrive at school, it's almost time so I already go to class. And of course it's Spanish class. Damn Mr Shue! And for some reason Mr Shuester is already in his class. So we have a little talk.

M: "OMG Y/n! Where have you been? I've been worried sick! To the world as teacher but you know it was as a father."

Y: "Yeah, Mister Shue. I know that but not the whole school has to so keep your voice down please."

M: "Oh yeah, that's right. You are embarrassed for your old man. 😂"

Y: "Exactly, old man 😂. But you wanna know where I've been? Well too bad. I ain't telling you."

M: "Fine. I'll just ask Santana later today. Why did you come back. Or did they find you?"

Y: "No, they didn't find me. I returned. I'm back since yesterday but I haven't turned my phone back on. It was really quiet where I hid myself. I do miss that. The quiet."

M: "Yeah, finding silence here is really hard."

The bell rings. Thank god he didn't ask anymore questions. I also professionally dodged the subject Santana. Normally I sit next to Santana in Spanish but I asked Mr Shue. He just can't say no to his daughter 😏. Santana is giving me constant looks of disappointment. In the next class I really needed to pee so I asked if I could go to the bathroom and for some reason Santana did the exact same thing. In the bathroom we started talking. If you can call it talking.

A/n: just to make sure you guys keep reading I am gonna write the conversation in the next chapter. Hope you liked it and sorry for my messed up update schedule. Bye guys.

The New Kid 😌 (Santana X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن