Chapter 33

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The next day, as you leave your house to buy groceries because you can't even make breakfast, you see Santana lying on your porch, in the blanket you gave her. You grab a pillow from the couch to put under her head. You can't help but still feel some love for this girl. Before she sees you, you walk fast to the store. When you come back, 2 hours later, she is gone and the pillow and blanket lay on your porch. You go inside and watch a movie.

~~ Santana's POV ~~

Last night, I got drunk. For some reason, I ended up at Y/n's place. I woke up with a cushion under my head. It took me a while to know where I was, but as soon as I realised it, I got up and left. I don't know what was going through my drunk mind, but I will never get so drunk again after a heartbreak. It only makes things worse. But then again, she did give me a cushion. I just hope that sooner or later we can meet each other again. Rather sooner than later of course. But if I know Quinn, and I do, I know that she is not gonna give up on something she feels so strongly about. At least not soon. Wait, let me text her to ask her something.

"Hey Q, just a quick question, do you plan on stopping being a skank to join the Cheerios with your blonde hair?"

"No. If Sue still wants me, it's the way I am."

"Okay, thanks."

"And Santana, stay away from my girlfriend. When I was on my way to the skanks I saw you sleeping on her porch."

"I was drunk. No worries, I'm taking my distance."

"You better."

Quinn really is protective over Y/n. I just don't know if it's out of love or just because I want her. Quinn might be my best friend but this "friendly" competition always is and always will be the worst. I want Y/n back. But right now, let's just focus on my friendship with Brit, since that's all I have left.

"Hey Brit, do you have time to hang out anytime soon?"

"I'm sorry no. Y/n asked me to come over to watch some movies today and starting tomorrow, I have planned quality time with Lord Tubbington."

"No worries, have fun."

"Do you maybe want to join us to watch some movies?"

"No, it's okay. I'll see you later."


Damn, that's a bust. I now regret being such a bitch to everyone. You know what? I can be on my own just fine. I'll just read a book or something.

~~ Y/n's pov ~~

I called Brittany a few hours ago to ask if she wanted to come watch some animated movies. She said yes and now she's coming over. I have to be honest, it's to take my mind off the whole Quinn vs. Santana situation. And it's just too long ago that I met up with Brit so it's nice catching up. I'm just making some popcorn and setting up some sweets cause Brit really has a sweet tooth, mostly during the off-season. Sue has them on some crazy diet otherwise. She still finds time to sneak some snacks in though.

While you are prepping everything, you hear the bell ring. You run to the door and open it, expecting to see Brit, but it's not her.

"Quinn? What are you doing here?" You ask her, but she isn't looking you in the eye.

"Can I come in? Please?" Quinn says, sniffling.

The New Kid 😌 (Santana X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें