Chapter 17

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You talk till you get home. Then Kurt still has to walk a bit. But not very far. You agreed that you would pick him up every school day at 7:45 AM.

❤️Y/n pov💔

I just picked up Kurt and now we are talking.

K: "And did you work out your plan to get back with Santana?"
Y: "I've been working on it. I still haven't found a good excuse to start talking too her. Do you know any?"
K: "Now that you mention it I do. Just say you got a question about school or something like that... Or the Cheerios. That sounds more believable. Then you say that you maybe could discuss somewhere a but more private. Like breadstix or something. Then you got your date."
Y: "Wow Kurt! You are a genius!"
K: "I know that... But it's always nice to hear this. I'm also a genius in fashion and no offence but this (points at your clothes) is not working out for you. Just say when you got free time and then we are going shopping. I will pay if you want. Or some parts at least..."
Y: (sarcastic) "Wow Kurt. What a compliment 😒"
K: "😂I'm sorry Y/n. But as your best friend I got to be honest with you ... Your fashion could use a level up"
Y: "I know...."

You guys arrive at school. When you enter school, the first thing you when you enter is search for Santana. When you see her, you walk towards her. A good thing she is standing at her locker. When you arrive at your locker, she is about to leave but you stop her.

Y: "Santana wait. I got a question about Cheerios practice. Do we have it this week. Since it's the week of the homecoming dance and stuff..."
S: "Yeah. We always have practice. Even if it is freezing outside. We just move inside. There is no excuse good enough to not come."
Y: "Ow okay. I do have some more questions. Maybe I could ask them somewhere else? At Breadstix perhaps. Or my place or something like that.
S: (thinking: what the hell is she doing? I thought she was pissed at me?) "Yeah okay. When is a good time fore to drop by?"
Y: (thinking: YESSSS) "Umm tomorrow? Right after school?"
S: "Yeah okay. But you mean after Cheerios practice right?"
Y: "Ow yeah! Sorry forgot about that for a minute."
S: "No worries. Just don't tell Coach Sylvester."
Y: "If you wont I won't."
S: "Of course I wouldn't rat you out. It's not cause you're my *whispers* ex, *normal voice again* that we can't talk or be friendly. Like we used to."
Y: (thinking: Friends... If course just friend....) "Yeah I would love that."

You walk to class. Talking to Santana and catching up. Since you haven't been talking for the past 2 weeks it was time. You guys talk and talk and talk. 3ven during class you talk and talk and talk. But in the language of that class. In math you can just talk because the teacher doesn't give a single fuck. Because of that he is your favorite and least favorite teacher. You and Santana caught up hours ago but you keep talking. About everything. You can say everything to her. You missed her so much that you don't want to stop talking. But eventually you have to. It's time for Glee Club, and after that home crying...

- next day -

Cheerios practice is over. Kurt already went home. He, of course, knew about the plan. When you and Santana come home, you ask what she wants to eat. Then you go to the store together. First you do homework together. You 'accidentally' grab Santana's hand. You only pull back when she moves her hand. You try to see her reaction but don't see anything

😩Santana pov😩

Y/n is being really weird. She is trying to get some sort of reaction out of me I guess. I'm just trying to hide all of my mixed up feelings. I hope she doesn't notice. Because first she's mad at me, now she wants to be together I think.... So confusing... Everything is so confusing. Homework is done and now we are cooking together.
During dinner we are foot focking. She is trying to take the overhand but I am making sure she isn't. When we are done eating and doing the dishes, she just kinda starts kissing me. A lot. And taking mine and her clothes off. We have sex. Again awesome. She always makes me cum so hard! When it's my turn she moans loud. I grab her tits and squeeze them hard. Since she screams more, I squeeze harder and she moans louder. While I am making her cum she grabs my tits and also squeezes them. When I am done we just kiss and squeeze each other's boobs. After a few minutes Y/n goes for round 2. She grabs my ass while doing it and squeezes this. I moan loudly and cum almost directly. Because this was so short I try to keep her down. She obeys and let's me cum again. When I do it again, she guides my one hand to her boob and the other to her ass. This makes her moan so loud I think the neighbours will ring the bell any minute. Then she cums. She moans really loud. I think she came even harder and moaned louder than me. When she is done, she has some shivers. We just cuddle in the couch with a blanket and put on a movie that I knew she wouldn't mind falling asleep in. After 15 minutes she falls asleep. When the movie is almost over she just jumps up and starts stressing. I calm her down and then she almost directly falls back to sleep. I also fall asleep. The next moment I wake up it's almost 7 AM. I silently get up and leave for school. I set an alarm for 7:15 AM, because I know she has to go get Kurt so they can walk to school together.

- if you hadn't noticed it's the next day-

🔥Y/n pov🔥

When I wake up it's because of my alarm. Santana left already. She did leave a note, saying she left so I could go to Kurt and do my typical morning stuff. When I see the time I stress a bit. But then I realize that it's Thursday. On Thursday I can use the car. I quickly grab the keys and get in. When I arrive at Kurt's, I yell "Get in! I know I'm late but that isn't an excuse. Let's go!" Then we have a conversation in the car.

K: "And how did it go yesterday? 😏"
Y: "Awesome! I think we are back together but I don't know really. If not we are certainly friend with benefits 😏😏"
K: "Ow! So it happens last night??"
Y: "Even multiple times. And she even got some more moves. It was nice 😏😏"
K: "Heheheh 😏😏😏. So can I drive with you home pls? Or do you have plans?? 😏😏"
Y: "Not yet😏... But if I would make some plans I would make sure you get home safe. ❤️"
K: "That's really sweet Y/n! But if it's to much trouble it's no biggie. And btw next week is my birthday and my dad dropped some hints to get me a car so then we can always drive with my car. Then I will pick you up. Okey?"
Y: "More than okay! No more walking? Yes please!"

• You arrive at school •

You slide a note in Santana's locker. It says: "Wanna see you tonight. Got time? - Love of your life". I hope this makes clear that it's me and not Puck trying to be romantic. I bet he never is but anyways.

I just heard a rumour. Santana sang to Mercedes about Puck. It's literally called: "The boy is mine". That's not ok. Well I guess image above all...

I just found a not in my locker. "Sorry can't tonight. Family. Tomorrow? Or can I come by when the family thing is over? - The only person that owns your heart.❤️"

My note back "When is later. After 11 PM it's not worth it. Let me now. Otherwise tomorrow during the day is fine 😏🙃"

Then the day was over. Santana wasn't coming over. I almost didn't have to walk to school anymore. This day could've gone better but my brain was too busy with Santana to think about anything else. Please power of beyond. Don't let her leave me. Please!

~ the end of this chapter ~

A/n: I hope you guys liked it. This was really hard to write. I hadn't much inspiration.

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