Arc 1 Chapter 12: The 10th-Floor is here

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03/11/2022 Author's note: The chapter based on the 10th floor is totally different from what I wrote at the start month ago (10 months to be exact, yeah I know the 1st version was already done before the previous chapters). After reading a new time, I found it wasn't good for my story and vision and I even included a cameo of a player who played at SAO Integral Factor on this version but we don't talk to each other no more so it was another reason to scrap the old version, so you will read a new version of the 10th-floor which is the last chapter of 4 scheduled of the 1st arc. And no I didn't delete entirely the 1st version, I'm not insane, it took me time to do the 1st version, it has just been transferred to hidden other stories which maybe can be the scrapped ideas of SAOIF LF/PW of mine and you could one day see it but only if I decide to publish it and it's right now not a priority. Anyway, blablabla, enjoy my story 😉😙.

19th December 2022, 7h00 (7:00 a.m), Floor 10 Castle Town:

Luckau and Kirito level 55, Asuna and Mito level 53, Chris and Koharu level 51

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Luckau and Kirito level 55, Asuna and Mito level 53, Chris and Koharu level 51. Total cols: 590 201.

Chris, Koharu, Kirito and Asuna POV:

The 10th floor, the last floor of the phase beta of Sword Art Online has been reached by the players after 43 days after the beginning of the game. Opened just a day ago, and a lot of players already occupy this floor. Chris, Koharu, Asuna, and Kirito are on their way to the Castle Town to meet back Luckau and Mito on this huge Hub.

*Sound of teleportation*

Chris: Woop. Nous y voilà! Castle Town of a Thousand Serpents or just abridged Castle Town.

Koharu: Woah I didn't know that this floor has a theme based on old Japan.

Kirito: You didn't explore this floor before Koharu?

Koharu: Never, I was stuck only on the 1st floor at the beta 😅.

Asuna: I'm already amazed just by its ambiance. Look at these people.

She points her finger towards them, showing that the streets are crowded with NPC and players.

Asuna: Isn't this floor just by default important?

Kirito: Indeed, the 10th floor is a very important one because it's part of the tens category: these floors have a Hub which is big as the Town of Beginning and totally safe and isolated from mobs, more quests at our disposal, and of course, harder boss, and Kagachi will be a serious challenge to face.

Chris: We never beat it, even me Kirito and Mito the 3 strongest beta players were not able to kill it with a lot of raiding parties.

Koharu: If even you 3 haven't beaten it, we must take our time to find the best strategy.

Kirito: That's why we must find Luckau and Mito, I think we will split into 3 duos to gather every piece of information.

Asuna: Let's go find them so... but... how we can find them in this crowd?!

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