Chapter 12.5: I count on you Koharu and Luckau's visions

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20th December 2022, 9h00 (9:00 a.m), Floor 10 special instance:

Chris, Koharu, Charles, and Charlotte POV:

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Chris, Koharu, Charles, and Charlotte POV:

After spending a night in this instance without Argo who has gone back to the normal instance to do other stuff. Chris, Koharu, and the twins with the help of a villager named Tsunoda are walking to the supposed domain of the lord samurai rival of Masamune.

Tsunoda: If it's indeed this house that you search. You will have difficulty coming inside.

Koharu: They are hostile?

Tsunoda: Indeed. Only a few people have the right to come inside the domain.

Chris: D'accord, bon ben, we will try to infiltrate the domain in discretion, or directly with the force.

Tsunoda: You sure that you want to face his guards? I mean maybe he is one of the strongest warriors in the region but his army is it too.

Chris: Trust me, I know what to do if we must face them all.

Koharu: I prefer that we not fight them all, especially with the kids with us.

Chris: Don't worry, I'm sure that my twin siblings will be fine.

Charles: If you want we stay hidden while you threes go inside.

Charlotte: I think it's the better option if you want us to be hurt.

Chris: I will think about it because I prefer to have you with me. If you look on you closely at the map, you don't see our icon on it so if you are separate from me, oof.

They continue to walk for minutes when arrived at the domain, they see dark smoke and fires occurring in the zone.

Tsunoda: Hey look it's the domain, looks like a huge incident happened.

Koharu: We better go check it now!

Chris: Yep, come les jumeaux on court! Allez!

Charlotte: But it's heavy to run with our gears 😩

Charles: Nii take our weapons at least.

Chris: Throw them on me.

Charlotte: Attrape!

Chris: Good now you can sprint?

Charles/Charlotte: Yes!

They do a quick sprint passing Chris by the way.

Chris: Genre! *sprint too*

Minutes later...


All the group arrives hidden the trees and analysis the situation.

Tsunoda: You hear the fights?

Koharu: Yes.

Chris: I'm pretty sure that some ronins are attacking the domain.

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