The Beginning of the Rebellion

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I couldn't believe that Prim got an 11. PRIM! She had explained to me that caring for people had to use knives more than I thought.

The next day was full of preparing for their interviews. That night we watched the interviews and when it was Prim's turn she was wearing a dress that was pretty gold, but I have a feeling that Cinna had a surprise,"Introducing The Girl On Fire's sister Primrose Everdeen," Caesar Flickerman announced. The crowd cheered.

"Prim we were all surprised when you got an 11 can you give us some details about how you did that?" " Um well I'm not going to tell you how I did it, but let's just say I have a good chance of winning the games."

"Yes you do." "Now about your dress it's beautiful, but it doesn't seem like something Cinna would do." "Yes my dress would you like to see it better?" Prim stood up and spread out her arms, and then the dress began to glow like gold flames.

Then my picture appeared on the screen and I had mockingjay wings. Then Prim was back with her gold fire dress. The buzzer went off," I'm sorry Prim,but it's time for you to go." Prim went off stage.

Gale went on stage and they talked, but I was thinking what was with the mockingjay wings? Then it was the end of the interviews, and I had a feeling it was the beginning of the rebellion.

The Mockingjay 😮😀😜

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