Chapter 1

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Katara, Sokka, Aang, and Toph. A peculiar group of people, if you got a good look at them. A Water Tribe warrior, a waterbender, an earthbender, and the last airbender. All they needed was a firebender to complete their group. Too bad the good ones were in short supply. There was one old man that Toph seemed to like, but unfortunately for them he was the uncle of the exiled prince that had been chasing them forever. Tonight they were camping on an island to let Appa rest. He had been flying for 2 days straight and they were almost to the mainland, but Appa was too tired to make it any further than where he landed.

"I'm hungry!"

"Sokka, you're always hungry."

"Why don't you go find us some food?"

"If you would stop eating it all, we would still have some!"

"Are you blaming me for our lack of supplies?"

"Yes, I am!"

"Guys, stop fighting! Let's go, Sokka. We can find some food and Katara can start the fire."

Sokka stood up and crossed his arms before stomping off into the woods, Aang trailing behind him. Toph looked in Katara's direction. "I think someone needs an attitude adjustment," she laughed.

"Yes, he does."

She stood up and started wandering around looking for sticks to start their fire. She didn't want to make one too big because it would be noticable from the ocean, that is, if Zuko was still chasing them. She had a feeling he was, but they hadn't seen him in a couple days. That didn't mean anything though. If anything, it worried continued along the beach lost in her thoughts, picking up a stick here and there unconciously.

I'll save you from the pirates.

She let out a small gasp at the memory of that day, that moment. She looked around, half expecting to see him standing in front of her. Nothing. She looked in her arms at the sticks she gathered. She only had 4 of them. With a sigh, she kept walking down the beach. The sky was slowly starting to get dark, but the sun was still out well enough to see for a little while.

Maybe in return, I can restore something you've lost.

That bastard. She wasn't sure if he knew what that necklace meant to her, but he knew it meant something or he wouldn't have used it the way he did. She rubbed the place on her neck where her mother's necklace usually hung. How she hated that night. He taunted her with it, dangling it inches in front of her nose knowing she couldn't get it from him, yet.. there was something strange in his voice that night. It sounded almost flirty, taunting, maybe a little teasing? She wasn't sure that man could be capable of such emotion, but she had witnessed fear from him when his uncle was shot down by lightening from that evil girl that was now chasing them. She knew that his uncle was his weakness, that girl knew it too somehow.


What was that? She whirled around and realized she couldn't see Appa or Toph anymore. She had no idea how far away she had wandered, but it was further than she wanted to. Good thing she was beside the ocean if she needed to fight. She looked frantically around for the source of the noise, eyes darting through the trees in the woods next to her. Katara backed away slowly towards the ocean, hoping it was just her mind making her paranoid.

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