Chapter 2

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"Uncle, she's not cooperating!" Zuko barked as he crossed the deck of his ship to his uncle. "She's refusing to talk so I refused her any food until she does. I want you to keep checking up on her."

Iroh watched his nephew storm off to find the captain before he went downstairs to talk to the girl. He found her huddled in the corner of a cell below. "I'm sorry for my nephew. He can be quite the pain sometimes." He unlocked her cell door and stepped in. "Would you like a more comfortable place to stay?"

She looked up at him, her eyes puffy from crying, and nodded. He helped her up and led her to a room down the hall from his and the prince's. He unlocked the door and opened it, allowing her to walk in before him. She looked around, admiring it. There was a small closet and a dresser on one side. On the other, there sat a small desk and chair. There was a bed in the middle with a window over it. At least I can see the ocean, she thought. She walked over to the bed and laid down, Iroh following her into the room. He sat in a chair next to her bed.

"I really am sorry about your predicament, Miss.."


"Miss Katara. You can call me Uncle Iroh."

"Thank you. How can you be related to that whelp of a prince? You are nothing alike. How can you even stand to be around him?"

"He has his good moments. He's not all bad. I hope that one day you'll see that side of him."

"I'd rather not see him, period. He's a jerk and doesn't deserve company such as myself."

Iroh laughed. The girl had humor, he liked that. "Well, since you're talking now, I'm going to get you some food. I'm sorry I have to lock this door for now, Prince Zuko would scold me for sure if I didn't. I will return shortly."

Katara nodded as he left, locking the door behind him. She sighed and stood up. She walked to the dresser and opened a drawer, but there was nothing in it. "Should've guessed." Nothing in the closet either. She sat down behind the desk and started looking through its drawers. In one, she found some paper. She took a piece out and, using the pen she found sitting on the desk, started drawing. She moved the pen as smoothly as she moved the water when she was bending. She didn't know what she was drawing, but it was coming out quickly. When the pen stopped moving, she looked down at the paper. She got frustrated and quickly wadded up the paper and threw it across the room, almost hitting Iroh as he stepped through the door with her food.

"Something wrong?" he asked, setting her food down in front of her at the desk.

"Yeah, I'm trying to draw and what's coming out is the complete opposite of what I wanted." She looked at her food. Soup, fruit, and tea. She loved tea. "Thank you, Uncle Iroh." She felt odd calling him 'Uncle', but if that's what he wanted then she wouldn't say anything.

"It's my pleasure, Miss Katara," he smiled. "If you need anything, just call for me." He started to walk back out and noticed the paper she had thrown. He picked it up and walked out. He unwadded it as he walked out on to the deck and smiled at it. It was an uncanny likeness to his nephew. He leaned on the rail, looking at it, when Zuko walked up from behind.

"What's that?"

"What does it look like?"

"It looks like me."

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