chapter 11

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He stopped pacing to see Ty Lee standing just a few feet from him. "Yeah?"

"What's wrong?"

He sighed and started pacing again. "Nothing."

"I know something's wrong and you'll feel better if you just tell someone. Trust me, I know."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Sokka, please," she pleaded, placing a gentle hand on his arm as he walked past her again.

He stopped for a second to look at her hand, then at her. Her brownish-gold eyes stood out even in the darkness of night. He pulled his arm from her grasp and walked to the side of the ship, sitting down next to the rail with his head in his hands. She cautiously sat down in front of him.

"Yue wants me to be okay with Katara's relationships. I'm not sure exactly what she meant by that, but I'm afraid that she's liking them more than I'm comfortable with."

"Who's Yue?"

"I really don't want to talk about that one."

"So.. what exactly are you worried about?"

"That she likes one of them. Zuko is the only one I know of that's with her, but Yue made relationships plural, meaning more than one. If it's Zuko, I'll kill him. I don't want my sister mixed up with anyone like that."

"You mean Fire Nation."


"So what about me? I'm Fire Nation."

"You're different. You're good."

"Maybe he is too but you won't give him a chance."

"Maybe I don't want to give him a chance because he's been trying too long to kill us and capture Aang!"

"If Katara is as good as you say, she could have changed him for the better. People can change, you know."

"Like you?"

She smiled as he looked up at her. "Like me."

They sat that way under the light of the moon for a while. It was Sokka that finally broke the silence with a yawn. "I think I'm going to bed."

"You mean, you aren't staying up in case we see land?" she laughed.

"I'm too tired," he replied, stifling another yawn.

He got up and helped her up before heading back to their rooms. As soon as Sokka's head hit the pillow, he was asleep.

They saw how the moon pushed and pulled the tides and learned how to do it themselves..

Katara was awakened by a strange noise outside the cave. She gently pulled herself out of Zuko's grasp and peeked outside. Her eyes widened as she saw what was there, but was almost afraid to go out. She didn't know who was on that ship and thought the worst for a moment.

"Hey guys, we're on land already!"

"I thought you said we'd be a couple days!"

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