chapter 35

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The shore of the Fire Nation came into view a week and a half later as Aang said. The sun was setting already and everyone was afraid to land, but they really had no choice because Appa and Kia both were worn out. Aang decided the best place to camp would be the cliffs at the very edge. They were uninhabited as far as anyone could tell, so it was somewhat safe.

"You know, I'm not a big fan of cliffs lately," Zuko said as they jumped down off the bison.

"Why's that?" Katara asked, helping him unload the supplies on Kia.

Azula glanced at him, but he just shrugged and threw her bag at her a little harder than the others. "I'm not really sure. It's just that everytime I go near one now, I feel like someone's going to push me off."

"No one here would do that."

"But we don't know this area, we may not be the only ones here."

"There's no one else here," Toph told them. She grabbed her bag off the ground then earthbended herself a tent near the animals. "There's not even a house anywhere near here that I can feel."

"We're arriving at the capitol tomorrow," Aang sighed, picking at the grass in front of him.

Katara paused with the last bag in her hands and looked at him beside Appa. "We'll all be fine, Aang. We're more than capable benders and warriors." She tossed the bag to Mai and walked over to Aang, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"I know that, but how am I supposed to defeat him when I don't have any control over the Avatar State?"

"Why don't you meditate on that tonight. Maybe something will come to you."

He gave her a small smile. "Thanks, Katara."

She returned his smile with a little more enthusiasm, then went to sit near the edge of the cliff to watch the sun set on the water. Zuko sat beside her and said, "I thought you'd learned not to get so close to cliffs' edges."

"I'm a master waterbender," she replied quietly, still staring out over the water. "It's what saved me last time and what would save me should something happen this time."

"Quick thinking is what saved you last time."

"And waterbending."

"That too, but quick thinking could always save your life. It's saved mine numerous times."

She finally peeled her eyes away from the colorful sunset and looked up at him. He sat on her left side so she was looking at the unscarred side of his face. She lightly brushed his growing hair out of his face and he closed his eyes to her cool touch. "I wish there was something I could do to take all that pain away, Zuko."

"I've told you before I don't want pity, Katara. What's done is done, it's all in the past. You can't heal old wounds." He unconciously touched his scar and it didn't go unnoticed.

She gasped as she realized something. "Maybe I can."

"What are you talking about? No one can heal old wounds, not even you waterbending healers."

She reached inside her robe and pulled out the amulet she'd almost forgotten about. "Do you remember that place in the North Pole where we fought? The oasis?"

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