chapter 22

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"Aang, what's going on? There are a lot of vibrations coming from everywhere, it's hard to see!"

"The Fire Nation is attacking the city!"

"With what, a giant tank?"

They worked their way up the wall to find it covered in soldiers scrambling around trying to get orders. Some of them were throwing boulders down on whatever was attacking them and Aang peered over the edge to see.

"No, it's a giant drill. They're going to drill their way into the city! Come on, we have to stop them!"

"How? We don't have the others, I don't think we can make much of a difference without them."

"We have to try. They should be here soon anyway, let's go."

Iroh had Alec sit on the far side of the wall so he could help the other two benders. "But I can help!" he argued, but to no avail. Iroh gave him a stern look before he, Aang, and Toph slid down the other side of the wall on a slab of rock. Alec watched all the soldiers running around frantically and folded his knees to his chest, trying to think of a way to help.

"What is that?" Ty Lee asked, trying to ease the uncomfortable silence that had settled over them.

Katara snapped from her trance and squinted her eyes to see it better. "It looks like a giant drill.. and it's heading right for the wall. Guys, we have to do something."

Without warning, Zuko snapped the reins and sent the ostrich-horse into a flat-out gallop, almost sending Katara off the back. Sokka followed quickly behind and the boys ended up racing once again, only to meet the drill this time instead of pure sport. Sokka already knew who the drill belonged to, but when he caught the glimpse of the Fire Nation symbol on it he couldn't help but be angrier.

Katara looked up at the wall as they got closer and saw a small familiarity. "Look, there they are!"

"There who are?"

"Aang, Toph, and Iroh! They're coming down the wall!"

The boys pulled back on their animals as a barrage of attacks showered them all at once. There were fireballs flying everywhere from the tanks that guarded the drill, but they couldn't do anything to them yet. "We can't get close enough, what are we going to do?" Ty Lee yelled over the noise.

Katara looked at her brother, who in turn looked back at her. "What?"

"You're the idea guy, what do you have?"

"Since when am I the idea guy?"

"Really, Katara. Are you sure you have the right guy?" Zuko asked, truly confused by her accusation.

She sighed and shook her head. "Come on, Sokka! We could use that brilliant mind of yours that's buried under all your pig-headedness! Think of something! How can we get on that thing?"

Sokka's mind went to work as he carefully observed the situation. He watched as the drill made contact, then noticed something coming out the back of the drill. Surely they could make it back there without getting fired at, literally. "Okay guys, follow me."

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