chapter 4

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"Are you going ashore, Uncle?"

"Of course! You never know what kind of deals you can find in these shops, right?"

"Fine. Who should we get to watch her?"

"I can watch her."

"You just said you were going into the town."

"She can come!"

"She's not coming."

"But what good is shopping if you don't have a shopping partner?"

"She's not coming."

"Do you think she'll get away? Do you doubt your old uncle's abilities?"

"No, uncle. I just don't think she deserves to go ashore with the way she's been acting lately."

Katara was at her door, listening to the entire conversation in the hall. She knew they were finally at the mainland and she knew if she was going to escape, it was now or never. She would wait for them to leave the ship, of course, but one way or another she was leaving.

"She might not act like that if you would be a little nicer to her."

She heard silence as if Zuko was actually thinking about this. Oh, how she hoped he would say yes! It would be so much easier to get away from Iroh in town than getting out of this ship! Wait a second.. Zuko was considering it? She thought she literally must've knocked some good sense into him. She almost laughed out loud at the thought, but they might hear her.

"Fine, she can come. But you had better watch over here.. and take Kiatoh with you to help, just in case. I'll not underestimate her again. I'm sure she's planning on some kind of escape."

She excitedly ran back to her bed and jumped on it, pretending she knew nothing about what was going on. She occupied herself with playing with her soft pillows when a knock came to her door.

"State your name and purpose." She was beginning to like the authority sound in her voice when she said that.

"It's Zuko and I'm here to get you."

"Get me for what?" she asked innocently.

"You're going into town with Uncle Iroh and Kiatoh today."

She got up and walked to the door, opening it enough to see him. "You're letting me go into town?"

"If you don't want to, that's fine. You can just stay here in your room with guards on each side of the door. It's up to you."

"I'll get ready! Thank you!"

Before she realized what she was doing, she jumped out and hugged him. She quickly let go and ran back in her room, slamming the door in his face and blushing like mad.

Ahh! What did I just do?

'You.. um, hugged him.'

Why did I do that? I already knew he was going to let me go, why did I get so excited?

'You like him, don't you?'

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