chapter 24

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He could hear the party starting somewhere over his head and knew that perhaps his time here was nearly over. He heard Mai shifting uncomfortably a few feet away. Maybe she was getting anxious too? He hadn't told her anything about his friends and their way with plans. Maybe she was just nervous about tomorrow. Tomorrow was the day they were to supposedly die.



"I wanted to apologize for helping your sister try to capture you. It was nothing personal, it was more like an excuse to get out of Omashu. I really agreed to it before I knew the details."

"It's fine, Mai."

The faintest hint of red washed her cheeks when he said her name. She wasn't sure she'd ever heard her name from his mouth before. "So.. you and that waterbender.."


"Yeah.. are you two..?"

"We are."

Mai's heart dropped to her buried feet. "Oh, well congratulations. It's good to know your exile doesn't bother you that much." She used everything she had to keep her bored tone and to keep hurt out of her voice. Ty Lee had told her, but she just needed confirmation even thought she really hadn't wanted to hear it. "Your short hair looks good. It makes you look younger and a little less mean."

"Um, thanks."

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to make conversation here. It's so boring sitting in a pitch black dungeon with someone and not talking."

Zuko sighed audibly and shook his head. "I prefer comfortable silence over uncomfortable conversation."

"I guess," she said quietly. Everything went silent for a few minutes before she spoke up again. "So, why isn't Ty Lee down here?"

"She's with Aang and the others."

"Do they have her hostage again or is she just with them now?"

"She never was hostage, the way I hear. Katara's brother, Sokka, took her to patch up her arm and she decided she didn't want to leave, even when you and Azula took her back. She and Sokka kind of have a thing now."

"That's the guy with the ponytail, right? She did say he was cute."

"That's the one."

Another silence. Then a loud noise from above.

"What was that?"

"I can only hope it's who I think it is," Zuko said, looking up towards the ceiling.

"Okay guys, bend this wall down."

Toph and Aang took stances beside an unguarded part of the wall and moved their hands down, taking the wall with it. They all ran inside and the wall closed again. The city wall was very close for they'd picked a piece of the outer wall that was closest to it. They all ran as quickly as they could in their outfits and masks. At least they could see a little with the setting sun.

"Katara, you've got the invitation, right?" Sokka asked.


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