chapter 6

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"Where are you?"

"Over he-"

Zuko was dragged under by another wave, cutting him off. He quickly surfaced and shot a fireball in the air like a flare. He could hear her calling so he kept shooting them off, but he couldn't yell anymore. All the salt water he swallowed so far was scratching his throat and making it sore.


He looked towards the voice and saw her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but I can't see anything! It's too dark! I keep looking for land when lightening flashes, but no luck."

"Have you seen the ship anywhere?"

"No, not yet."

That made Zuko want to cry, but he couldn't do that, at least until they were out of danger. Katara saw a board floating nearby and swam up to it, pulling him along. They propped themselves up on it and soon the storm was calming down. Katara looked up at the moon and whispered a prayer to her friend.

"Yue, help us. Help us get somewhere safe. Help us survive this. Tell my brother and the others that I'm okay."

Zuko heard her and squeezed her hand to reassure her it would be okay.

Sokka jumped out of his sleeping bag with his warrior reflexes. "Katara.." he whispered into the night. He looked around and saw Aang and Toph stirring. "Sorry if I woke you guys up, I just had a dream."

"Me too," Aang said. "About Katara?"


"I just heard a bunch of voices in my head, but one of them sounded like Katara."

Sokka looked at the earthbender and half-smiled. "In my dream, she was with Zuko-"

"-but they were in the ocean-"

"-and Katara was talking to someone named Yue."

"How did we all have the same dream?" Aang asked.

"I think Yue sent it to us to tell us that she's okay. Katara asked her to tell us she's okay."

"Who is Yue?" Toph asked the boys.

"She's the princess from the Northern Water Tribe. She gave her life to save the moon, now she is the moon spirit."

"Oh, okay. I can tell it's a sensitive subject, so I'll just go back to sleep. See you guys in the morning."

"Goodnight, Toph," the boys said together.

"Ugh, ow."

The sun wasn't high in the sky, but it was still pretty hot outside. The waves were splashing against their faces. Katara opened her eyes to be blinded by the sun, then quickly closed them again, but opened them back when she felt solidity under her. She looked around and saw water and sand and an unconcious Zuko.

She rolled over and buried her face in her sand-covered arms. She had the worst headache and backache and pretty much all-over-ache. Her throat hurt from where she laid on her neck wrong and she needed some fresh water and food soon. She lifted her head to see Zuko sprawled across the sand beside her, the board they'd been floating on for the last couple days was laying under his head.

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