chapter 36

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"I've been expecting you, Avatar."

The dark figure moved forward a step into the light, his face still hidden in the shadows. Aang suddenly found it very hard to breathe and pulled at the neck of his shirt. Katara held the water around her ready for anything, but she was tensed up as the others were. Zuko looked at the sunlight and it finally clicked that he could use his bending now. His dual swords erupted in deep red, almost purple, flames, surprising everyone. Azula's smirk faltered a little, but held.

"I told you I would get them here, father," she sneered, stepping forward. "There was a little interference, but they're here. Enemies and traitors."

Ty Lee and Mai stared at her as if she'd grown a second head. "Did she make traitors plural?" Ty Lee whispered to Mai. She nodded and looked on, hurt shining in her eyes.

"Well done, Princess Azula," he replied, taking another step forward. "You've proven yourself worthy of your title."

Katara's eyes narrowed at the girl she'd just helped not moments before. "You betrayed us.." she seethed. Zuko looked down at her, worried at her tone. He could see the fire from his swords shining in her blue eyes and thought it suited her current mood.

"Did you honestly think I would stoop to your level, peasant?"

"I'm more a princess than you will ever be."

"And how do you figure that?"

"I don't have a heart of ICE!" she yelled, accentuating her point with a quick thrust of her arm; an ice dagger followed her command and went straight for Azula's heart. Azula was taken offguard and kicked her foot up a little late and it embedded itself in her leg. Katara ran at her with her water still around her, glad that she'd brought that much up with her, and knocked Azula against the hard wall and froze her there. Azula blew steam from her nose and melted the ice, sending a barrage of her own attacks at Katara.

"Katara, remember our fight at the North Pole!" Zuko yelled, remembering how he'd done the same thing.

"I don't need your help, Zuko!" she yelled back as she sent a dozen more ice daggers at Azula. She dodged them with little grace, still trying to remove the ice from her leg.

"Prince Zuko? Where is your mark, boy?"

He turned his attention to his father. "Let's say I made friends with some very powerful people. Thank you."

"For what?"

"For banishing me from this dishonorable nation."

Aang, who'd been watching the fight between Azula and Katara, turned to the rest of the gang. "You guys go stand guard outside in case anyone tries to come in and interfere. We'll be fine." He grabbed Toph's hand before she left and rubbed his thumb over it one last time before he let her go for good. He could see the tears in her eyes as she walked away with the others. When they were gone, he finally addressed the Firelord. "Your time here is done, Ozai. Step down or I'll be forced to remove you."

"You think you are powerful enough to defeat me, Avatar?"

"Now that the sun is out again, I'm 4 times as powerful as you are. I'm the Avatar." Aang glared at the man and Zuko stepped up to stand right next to him. "Plus, I've got extra help."

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