chapter 13

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Zuko was dancing across the deck, slicing his new swords through the air. The moon was high and everyone had gone to bed a while ago, but he just couldn't sleep. Practicing, whether with fire or swords, always seemed to calm him down. He loved the swords because a lot of firebenders weren't very skilled with weapons, which gave him a slight advantage. He loved the sound of his swords in perfect harmony with each other, swooshing and cutting through the chilly night.

"What are you doing?"

He almost dropped his swords and turned to face the girl in blue behind him. He silently scolded himself for not hearing her sneaking up. "I'm practicing. I guess you couldn't sleep either?"

"Nope. Where'd you get swords?"

"Sokka found them. They were in his room when I went to get him this morning and after he ran out, I grabbed them."

"You're good with them. How long have you been practicing?"

"Many years. My cousin, Lu Ten, taught me before he died."

She stepped a bit closer and took one of them, careful not to drop it. "Could you teach me?"

"If you're willing to learn, I'm willing to teach. The most important thing you have to remember with these particular swords is that they are two halves of a whole and you must treat them as such. They're called broadswords, or twin dao, whichever you prefer." He placed the other sword in her hand and stood behind her, helping her with her stance. "They work together and balance each other out. Think of Yin and Yang or.."

"Fire and Water?"


She blushed and adjusted her grip on the handles. "Am I doing okay?"

"Yeah. Let's see what you can do."

"Just go?"


Katara gulped and stepped forward, swinging the swords out in front of her. She tried to imagine them as one and swung them together as gracefully as she could. This is actually kind of fun, she thought. She could've sworn she heard Zuko laughing behind her, but when she turned around, he was standing straight with only a hint of a smile.

"Was that bad?"

"No, that was actually pretty good for your first time," Zuko told her. He walked up to her and took the swords. "Here, try this."

He showed her a simple move that he had once shown a young boy named Lee. She watched him with a growing fascination. When he stopped, she took the swords back and mimicked the move perfectly. He was surprised at how easily she got it.

"This is fun!" she giggled as she moved the swords around gracefully. "I feel like the Blue Spirit!"

Zuko's stomach twisted at the mention of his alias. "Y-you know of him?"

"I've read his wanted posters. They say he's the greatest swordsman ever. I've never actually seen him, but that's who you reminded me of when I saw you practicing."

"I guess that's a compliment," he said, smiling on the inside.

"Of course it is, I think he's great! I wish he could join our team, we'd be unstoppable with him."

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