chapter 34

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Aang was up first, having gotten hardly any sleep the night before because he was so worried about what was going to happen. He went ahead and packed up his things and brought them out to the main platform where Appa was anxiously waiting. Kia joined him shortly after. Aang smiled at the both of them and went to watch the sunrise, for it was still a little dark out, with Momo perched on his shoulder.

Zuko woke as soon as the first rays of light painted the morning sky a gorgeous orange and pink. He wanted to smile when he looked down on the sleeping girl in his arms, but couldn't. Instead he bore his trademark scowl today, knowing what this morning brought. They were leaving yet another paradise. He lightly brushed a loose strand of hair out of her face and slowly got up to finish packing without waking her.

Azula rubbed the sleep from her eyes and slowly sat up. She wondered how she'd gotten in her room, then remembered Ty Lee's actions on the balcony. She was furious at first, then realized that they'd be heading to the Fire Nation today. That put her into a good mood. Those brats don't know what they're getting into, she thought with a smirk. Suddenly excited, she jumped out of bed and grabbed her things and walked out.

Toph laid awake in her room staring blankly towards the ceiling. She could tell it was morning by the slight increase in the summer heat compared to the cool nights. She didn't want to get up, she was tired of traveling, but they had a job to do and she wasn't going to let the world down. With a sigh, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, straightened up her hair, brushed the dirt off, and left with the little she traveled with.

Alec yawned and stretched in the warmth of his room. He seemed to be the only one to wake with a smile, though it faded a bit when he remembered they were leaving this morning. And to the Fire Nation, no less. He hadn't seen his homeland in so long and was kind of worried to. If he could help fight, it wouldn't seem like such a waste of time for him, but he knew they wouldn't let him. He'd been practicing with his blue and white fire and it was easier to summon, but he still knew they wouldn't allow it. He just wished after this was over that he could find his father. His things had already been packed for him, so he grabbed them and ran out the door with that last thought.

Ursa woke about the same time as Alec. She was worried what would happen when and if Ozai saw her. Did he still love her? Did he miss her at all? She shook those thoughts from her head. She'd packed both hers and Alec's things last night, so she just got up and grabbed her bag. She almost collided with Alec when she left her room as he was running down the hall. Together, they made their way to the platform.

When Katara woke up, there was no warmth on her back like she'd grown accustomed to the last few days. She'd had a strange dream about what might happen in the final battle and hoped he'd be there to talk to her about it. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up to look around, but Zuko was gone. Her bag was gone as well as his. Sighing, she got up out of bed, redid her braid, and set off to the platform to find him.

Ty Lee's grey eyes snapped open and she instantly jumped out of her bed. She grabbed her things and ran down the hall to jump on Sokka's bed and wake him up. He groaned and flipped over, but she was persistant. She reminded him of what they were doing today and that seemed to get him up. She packed what was left of his stuff and he grabbed his boomerang and swords and they left together.

Mai, surprisingly, was the last to get up because everyone else had awoken so early. She sat up and smiled to herself when she saw the box that Aang had given her on the small table beside her bed. When she got up, she slipped the knives and darts in their respective places and grabbed her bag. She stuck the box down in the bag with the rest of her things and walked out of the room. I'm going to miss this place, she thought as she caught sight of everyone around Appa and Kia.

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