chapter 23

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"Why here?"

"Because this is where Lu Ten was buried. I think it fits."


Zuko smiled sadly at Katara and took her hand. "Let's do this."

They walked back down the hill and headed towards the palace, where Iroh's funeral would start soon. They were going to have Alec light the body so that Zuko would continue to be safe. He and Katara were dressed in white, as was tradition for Fire Nation funerals although she didn't know that. He had just come to her with a white dress that looked similar to the one Iroh had bought her a while back and she didn't question it. He also asked the others to wear white as well.

"Are you okay?" she asked as they neared the palace.

"I'm fine," he lied. "Maybe a little tired, but fine."

"Well, afterwards I want you to get some rest, okay?"

He nodded and lifted his head to see the streets of the city empty. They were never empty. He looked in the shops they walked by, but they were closed. "What's going on? Where is everyone?"

Katara shrugged. "Maybe they're all at the palace. He was a friend of the Avatar, maybe they thought it important enough to close down the city for the day."

"Something doesn't feel right about it though."

Katara didn't want to admit it, but she felt it too. Without realizing it, she quickened her pace, practically dragging Zuko behind her. When he tried to catch up to her, she kept speeding up until she was flat out running. A few minutes later, she was running through the oddly unguarded gates to the palace. Zuko chased her, feeling the same need for the urgency. Katara ran through the palace, straight to the main garden where the ceremony would be held. She could hear the voice of the king and gasped at the words she caught.

"..Dragon of the West!"

No, no, no, no, no, she chanted in her head, hoping she heard wrong. If they find him out, they'll surely find out Zuko! She stopped long enough for Zuko to catch up, then she grabbed his hand and jerked him along. He hadn't heard it, but he knew something was wrong when she did that. They ran out into the garden and the first thing that caught Katara's eye was Jet standing next to the king with a piece of parchment. Not just any parchment, she thought. A Wanted poster.

"Then that there must be none other than the Prince of the Fire Nation himself!" the king bellowed, pointing at Zuko. The crowd turned and gasped. Zuko and Katara's eyes both widened, Aang stiffened, Sokka's grip on Ty Lee's hand tightened, Ty Lee's hand, in turn, tightened its grip on Alec, and Toph closed her eyes and looked down. Jet smirked at the look on their faces. "Avatar Aang, did you know of this?"

"They're good people, they've changed! They were teaching me firebending! Please, don't hurt Zuko!" Aang pleaded.

"You've betrayed my trust, Avatar Aang, and for that you will be banished from my city. The body of the Dragon of the West will be hung outside the walls as a warning for all the Fire Nation who try to attack the city. The Prince will be killed and hung beside him. Now, Avatar, you have until tonight to leave the city with your friends. Guards, apprehend Prince Zuko."

"Zuko, run!" Aang and Katara yelled simultaniously. Aang whipped out his bison whistle and blew as hard as he could. Katara whispered quickly, "Go back to the hill, we'll find you there." Zuko nodded as he ran back through the halls of the palace, guards chasing closely after him. She heard Aang yell her name and turned just in time to see water flying at her. She caught it and tripped two of the guards with it so Zuko would have an easier time getting away.

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