chapter 19

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"Spread your legs a bit wider. You have to have a stable stance. Think of the Av- Aang's earthbending stance, only put the swords into play."

"Like this?"

"Perfect stance, Katara. Sokka, bring your arm back a bit."

Sokka rolled his eyes and adjusted his stance again. The swords felt weird in his hands after using his other weapons for so long, but at the same time he was comfortable with them. Katara stepped forward and gracefully manuevered the swords around like Zuko had taught her on the deck of their last ship. Sokka mimicked the move with a little less grace and she laughed at him.

"Take it slower before you take your arm off," Zuko instructed. "In your case, grace is something that has to be learned. Katara, being a waterbending master, already has the grace and confidence needed to become skilled with these swords." Zuko moved his own swords around as he talked. "But you should be able to pick it up pretty quick since you do have experience with weapons and have had training."

"So, just like this?" Sokka asked as he repeated the move a little slower.

"Just like that. Now, let's learn how to strike and block."

"I should be getting home now that those men are gone. Thanks alot for helping me."

"Will you be okay on your own?"

"I'll be fine, I made it here by myself in one piece, right?"

"Why don't I have my nephew and Miss Katara escort you home just in case?"

"If you insist. Where are they?"

"Oh, they're practicing in the gardens. Would you like to join me down there?"


Iroh and Alec left the room and went down to the gardens to see Sokka and Katara sparring with their twin dao. They stood off to the side unnoticed, watching the progress the siblings were making. When Zuko stepped in, so did they.

"Li, Katara, I have a favor to ask of you," Iroh called to them. They didn't look startled, but Sokka did. Katara looked as if she were expecting them.

"I thought I heard something over there," she smiled. "What do you need?"

"Our young friend Alec here wishes to go home tomorrow and I insisted on an escort just in case. Would you mind?"

Katara beamed. "I'd love to take you home, Alec!"

"Uncle.." Zuko grumbled.

"Maybe we could bring you back for the masquerade ball and you can be my date!" she giggled.

Zuko half-smiled and shook his head. "Fine, I guess we can take him back."

"Can you help me find my mom if she's not at my house?" he asked.

Katara kneeled down beside him. "I think we can do that. We'll leave in the morning after breakfast, okay?"

"Okay," he agreed.

"Now go ahead to bed and I'll be up in a little bit," she said as she hugged him. She ruffled his short black hair and he giggled as Iroh led him back into the palace.

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