chapter 17

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"Wow, it's more amazing than I imagined!"

"I told you it was a great city."

"Got the disguises on?"

"Let's hurry, I'm hungry!"

"Are you sure we'll be welcomed right in?"

"I'm positive, I'm the Avatar!"

The group stood outside the walls of Ba Sing Sei, admiring the sight. Zuko was eyeing the few guards in front of the wall, but no one else seemed to care for them. Aang seemed so sure he could just walk on through and maybe he was right, but Zuko wasn't quite as optimistic. If they weren't going to be on guard, he was.

"Okay, we've looked at it long enough, let's go in!"

Aang tugged on Appa's reins and he let out a grunt and started forward, the two ostrich-horses trotting along beside him. This time, Katara was steering so Zuko could somewhat hide behind her.

"The Avatar!" one of the guards yelled. The others turned to look and they all bowed before the bison.

"You don't have to bow," Aang said as the guards stood up. "You'll be doing us a favor just letting us inside the city walls. We're kind of running from people."

"Of course, Avatar Aang," another guard said, bowing his head. "We heard you only had the two Water Tribe siblings with you. May we ask who all you're traveling with now?"

Aang scratched his head and laughed. "Wow, that must've been a long time ago. I've been traveling with these people for a while now. This is Toph, my earthbending teacher," he said, pointing to Toph behind him.

"And this is Li," Katara stepped in, making sure Aang didn't give them away. "He and his uncle are friends and refugees we found in a town a ways back and Aang, being the sweet and caring guy he is, decided to help them get to a safe place."

"Very well, do you need an escort to the palace? I'm sure the king would be pleased to have you."

"No, I'm sure we can find it," Aang reassured them cheerily. "If it's as big as its walls, it should be no problem!"

The guards stepped aside and a big chunk of the wall slid open, revealing the even bigger city inside. The group gasped at what they saw before them, except for Toph of course. Aang led Appa through the wall, the two ostrich-horses following close behind as the wall slammed closed behind them. Aang spotted the glint of the palace rooftops and pointed.

"We're heading up there first. We have to greet the king, then we can go off and explore."

"Aw man, why do we have to greet the king?" Sokka groaned.

"Don't complain, they may throw a feast for us," Katara pointed out, making her brother instantly perk up.

The people along the streets were gasping and pointing as Aang led the giant beast. One of the guards approached them and stopped them. Zuko and Iroh grew a bit nervous.

"We have stables, if you would like to keep your animals there while you're here, Avatar Aang. We can even feed them."

"That'd be great!" Aang yelled excitedly, patting Appa's head. "You hear that, boy?"

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