chapter 27

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"I wonder if Alec is okay. He seemed pretty tired still when he woke up this morning."

"I'm sure he'll be fine, Katara."

The waterbender sighed and concentrated on her feet as they walked down the road. Ty Lee was doing cartwheels and flips at random moments down the road, Sokka occasionally tossed his boomerang, and Aang and Toph kept trying to catch each other off guard by knocking the other off the road. Katara let out a small laugh when Aang went flying into the treetops.

"Come on, Twinkle Toes!" Toph yelled. "You're going to have to do better than that!"

Aang untangled himself from the branches and floated down onto the road with small rips and tears in his clothes and a couple scratches on his face. He walked right up to Toph and tried to shove her, but she didn't budge. She smirked at him before letting out a very childish laugh, making Aang laugh along with her. He shoved her again quickly before she stopped laughing and sent her to her rear in the middle of the road.

"Better for you?" he asked, smiling at his accomplishment.

Toph stood up and brushed herself off, still a hint of laughter in her pink cheeks. Katara rolled her eyes and strolled past them, followed by Sokka and a cartwheeling Ty Lee. She glanced back to see if they were following and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Toph walk right up to Aang and kiss him full on the lips. Sokka saw her stop and turned to see what she was looking at, then smiled and kept walking.

"You did know, didn't you?" he asked her when she finally caught back up to him.

"Well, yeah, but I didn't expect to see it," Katara replied. "I don't know, Toph just doesn't strike me as the type that likes to show off that kind of stuff."

"I'm sure she felt the same way about you and Zuko, or at least him alone based on the way we described him before she met him."

"I guess.."

She went silent again to watch her feet, thinking about him. She just couldn't get the night before out of her head. She knew she needed to talk about what happened on the island, but like she told him, it was just incredibly uncomfortable to tell your brother that you were almost raped.. especially if he wanted details. She still wasn't quite sure how or why she passed out on that beach, but it didn't matter as long as she woke up safe and unharmed.

Then there was the kiss. That incredibly amazing kiss. The most amazing moment in her entire life, spent with her former enemy. But she loved him and he loved her back, that's all that she cared about. A few months ago, she never would've believed that anything like that could happen to her. Sure, she thought he was cute, even the first time she saw him in the South Pole with that silly-looking helmet that was almost knocked off his head by Sokka's returning boomerang. She never could get over the look on his face when it hit and he tried to readjust it quickly. It was almost as funny as the look on his face when she, Ty Lee, and Toph were laughing at him on the deck of the last ship they were on.

Zuko, you look constipated!

She giggled quietly to herself. Oh, how his ears must've been ringing when that thing hit, she thought. It had to have reverberated throughout that helmet, and I'm sure it was loud.

"You miss him already, don't you?"

She looked up at Ty Lee, who'd somehow gotten in between her and Sokka, and nodded. She did miss him, very much. It'd only been.. she trailed off in her mind and looked up at the sun. It wasn't even noon yet. Good grief, I'm obsessed!

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