chapter 12

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"Oh no, the same ones we ran into before?"

"By the looks of that ship, yes."

"What are we going to do?"

"The only thing we can do. We're going to have to fight them."

Zuko watched as the ship sailed closer to their own. He had had two bad encounters with those people and he feared this one wouldn't be any more pleasant. Katara and Ty Lee had joined him watching the ship.

"So, I'm guessing you guys know them?" Ty Lee asked.

"Yes," Zuko and Katara answered together.

Katara turned a little and started moving her arms up and building up a wave. Aang joined her and together they made it gigantic, then pushed their arms out towards the ship hoping to flip it, or at least damage it. The wave kept growing as it approached the pirate ship, but to everyone's surprise, it stopped before it hit and was sent back.

"Oh no, they have waterbenders on their ship! Wait, waterbenders?"

"Hey, maybe waterbenders stole the ship from the pirates!" Aang cheered happily while Katara was working on stopping the wave.

"Are you always so optimistic?" Zuko asked the young boy.


Aang's trademark cheesy grin made Zuko smile a little. Both of them stopped smiling when they noticed how close the other ship was getting.

"It's going to hit us!" Ty Lee yelled.

"Not if I can help it!" Katara said as she started pushing the water around their ship to speed them up. "Aang, get on the other side and help!"

Aang did as he was told and they started moving faster, but not fast enough. The pirate ship hit the rear of their ship, causing everyone to fall over. They heard growls and roars and knew the pirates had come aboard.

"Well, if it isn't our old friend Prince Zuko," said an old man. Ty Lee took him to be the captain, judging by the hat and the reptile parrot on his shoulder.

"I suggest you leave before something bad happens to you," Zuko growled.

"Like my ship blowing up?"

Zuko jumped at the man, but Katara stepped in front of him and held him back. "Zuko, don't."

The captain's eyes lit up at the sight of her. "You're the girl that still owes me a scroll."

"I didn't steal it from you because it wasn't yours, so I don't think I owe you anything. Of course, if you leave my ship now I may spare your lives," she said, gesturing to him and his men, who were now standing behind him.

The old captain and all his crew laughed as if it were the most hysterical joke in the world. "Now listen here, girl. The last time I saw you, you were tied to a tree and your boyfriend over there was flirting with you. For all I know, you two were in that deal together. Now I suggest you hand over your valuables and the Avatar kid and we'll be on our way, no harm done."

 ┊𝑰𝒈𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆┊  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora