chapter 32

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"Young Aang, we meet again," said the cheerful woman as she opened her door to greet the two boys.

"Hi, Aunt Wu!" he grinned.

"And Prince Zuko. I trust my advice helped?"

"It did. Thank you," Zuko replied with a slight bow of his head before he left.

Aang walked into the room and sat on the cushion before Aunt Wu. She smiled weakly at him. "How's that love life of yours going since I saw you?"

The boy cocked his head. "Um, good I guess."

"Are you reshaping your destiny?"

"I guess so. I'm kind of dating my earthbending teacher now."

"Somehow I knew better than to think Katara would be the one."

"I know this isn't what I'm here for."

She smiled again. "No, it isn't. I'm afraid my topic isn't quite as pleasant. You already know your mission, correct?"

"Defeat the firelord and save the world, yeah I know.."

"Do you know when?"

"By the end of the summer." Aang sighed and looked out the small window in the room. "That's coming up sooner than I really want it to."

"Yes, but the solar eclipse is sooner, isn't it?"

Aang's eyes automatically shot back to her. "I almost forgot about that! Yeah, it's not much sooner but it is sooner. It's.. actually, it's a month away." Aang felt nauseous in the pit of his stomach as he knew where this was going.

"That's when you will need to go. You have the advantage of all the elements, although your firebending will be useless along with his. Though if you don't make it on that day, there's still a chance. Plus you have your friends."

"I don't want them-"

"One must go with you." His confused grey eyes asked everything, so she explained with one name. "Prince Zuko."

"But he's a-"

"He has his swords still, does he not?"

"The firelord isn't that powerful without his bending, is he?"

Aunt Wu's faintly cheery expression turned solemn. "He has armies of soldiers that you'll have to fight through to get to him and not all of them bend. I'm sure he'll be extra precautionary that day. And it may take both of you to bring him down. There's no telling what kind of power he posesses, if any, outside of his bending. Here, let me see your hand."

Aang held his hand out, palm up, and she studied it closely. Her eyes followed every line on the pale skin of his palm, hoping to find something, anything, to help in his fight. Finally, she laid a finger on a small line across the top. Aang couldn't help but feel nervous.

But she wasn't about to tell him everything. "There will be many to battle before you fight the one that counts. All of your friends play a great role in keeping you safe during these battles. Do not deny them that at least. You will find a friend where you least expect it. Be thankful for the decision of this person, for it is a battle in their own mind over right and wrong. Cherish the loves and friendships you have. You know well the dangers and risks of your mission," she ended, not wanting to go further.

 ┊𝑰𝒈𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆┊  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora