chapter 28

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As soon as Zuko left his sight, Appa sprang to life and dove over to catch him before he hit the water, but wasn't fast enough. He hovered over the water, watching and hoping he came back up. His growl could be heard all the way at the top of the ravine.

Mai stood up and watched Appa search for Zuko. "Zuko.." she whispered, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill out.

Azula laughed bitterly. "What do you care?"

Mai turned on Azula, more than ready to fight her friend had she actually been armed. "What'd you do that for? I owe this group my life!"

"It's not my fault my big brother got so close to the edge and slipped off," Azula smirked. "And it's not your fault you couldn't catch him in time."

Mai clenched her fists at her sides, but didn't argue. Couldn't argue. Azula could kill her in one swift movement, especially considering where she was standing. She knew she was defeated.. for now, anyway. "What about the boy?" she whispered.

"That's my girl," Azula said. "I'll handle him."

The girls watched as Appa landed and started growling at Azula, but Alec, who had woken up and was clutching the saddle for dear life, finally let go and tried to calm him down. "What happened? Where's Zuko?"

Azula put on her most distraught face. "He was watching the ocean while we were walking and we didn't even realize how close he was getting to the edge again and.. and.." She buried her face in her hands and pretended to cry. "Now my brother is gone too!" she cried, slightly muffling it with her hands.

Personally, Mai thought it seemed a bit overdramatic but hey, the kid was 7-years old. Of course he's going to buy it.

"I don't buy it," he said sharply, glaring down at the acting girl and conjuring up a fireball in his hand.

Wow, Mai thought. He's awfully smart for his age and he's not afraid of Azula. No wonder they all liked him.

Azula thought quickly and forced tears to her eyes while her face was still buried. She sniffled and pulled her hands away, running them back to her bun and revealing her tear-stained face. This should do the trick, she thought. If he doesn't buy this, my plan is screwed.

Alec thought about it for a second.. or at least pretended to. If he let them stay, then he could watch over them and maybe she would keep pretending until Aang learned a little more firebending. If he didn't, he would have no idea about her whereabouts and they'd have to keep running.

"Fine," he finally said after a few moments of consideration. "But I'm keeping an eye on you." He sat back down on Appa's head and took the reins, trying to lead the bison away but he wouldn't go. "Come on boy, Zuko's gone now," Alec managed as his breath caught up in his chest and he tried to swallow back the lump in his throat. Tears were stinging at his eyes, but he wouldn't let them fall.

Mai watched the boy, wanting to comfort him somehow. Kids weren't really her thing even though she had a baby brother, but she'd been there at the hostage trade in Omashu. She knew she called the deal off, but convinced herself it was only because Azula had said something about it. She felt that somehow this whole ordeal had been her fault somehow.

Maybe it was Azula's plan all along, she thought. I should've suspected something.

Finally, Appa gave in to the boy's gentle demands and kept moving along the cliff, but he went sadly. It wasn't quite as bad as losing Aang but just as Zuko had grown to like him, he'd grown to really like Zuko too. Mai and Azula continued to walk in front of the giant beast as if leading him even though he already knew where they were going. His first home. Where he'd been born so long ago. Where he first met Aang.

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