chapter 8

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Sokka jumped out of his sleeping bag. "Something's wrong! Something happened to her!"

Aang turned over to face the older boy, the morning sun shining down on his face. "What?"

"Something happened to Katara, I know it!"

"How? We have no idea where she's at."

"Call it my brotherly instinct."

"Your instinct has been wrong before, Sokka."

"My brotherly instinct has never been wrong. Please Aang, we have to find her."

Aang sat up on his warm bed that was Appa's tail. "I miss her just as much as you, but we don't even know where to look. They could be on the other side of the world by now! Plus, we're only a couple days out of Ba Sing Sei and we had a deal."

"Okay, well what if we find a firebending teacher there and they're willing to travel with us? Can we go look for her then?"

Toph's tent suddenly slid back into the ground. "I say we go ahead and go after her. We can take on those firebenders she's with. Besides, we have to get away from those 3 crazy girls that have been chasing us. They know where we're going, you know."

Aang sighed at his loss. "Where do we start looking first?"

"The island," Toph and Sokka said together. Sokka looked at her and laughed. "We can start at the island we lost her at, then try to track them from there."

"Okay, let's eat and we can go."

"One more thing. Can we please take Appa? I'm tired of walking."

"Sure, Sokka. The faster, the better, right?"

"Thanks alot, Aang. Now, let's go find my sister."

The scream rang out through the trees, along the beach, and to the ears of her new friends. Iroh and Kiatoh jumped up and ran, but Zuko couldn't because of his leg. He felt useless and weak and he hated that. Iroh and Kiatoh were dodging trees and running as fast as their hearts would allow them to run without exploding. They burst through the trees onto a different beach and stopped dead in their tracks. They gasped when they saw the blood and bodies everywhere.

"What happened?" Kiatoh whispered, more to himself.

They were looking around when Iroh spotted her laying on the edge of the water. He ran to her, leaving Kiatoh to look at the dead. "Miss Katara, wake up!" Iroh said frantically. He checked for a pulse and it was strong. He picked her up and started back towards Kiatoh.

"They're all dead," he said. "I counted 5 of the crew and the captain. I guess we weren't the only ones who made it, but we are now."

Iroh nodded, sadly watching the limp girl in his arms, and started back towards the camp with Kiatoh trailing behind him. They were back in their camp in a few minutes and Zuko tried to stand up, but Iroh shook his head. He slowly slid back down the tree and watched with a worried expression on his face.

"We found some more of the crew on the beach that we washed up on, but they're all dead now," Kiatoh explained to him. "I think she did it, but we can't be sure because she was out when we got there."

 ┊𝑰𝒈𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆┊  On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara