Losing Everything

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The sounds of some beeping greeted me as I opened my eyes. Neither was I comfortable nor uncomfortable. Rather than that I found it rather weird laying on the bed like I was. The room was also way too bright for my own good. Not to mention this smell of antiseptic which reminded me of the infirmary in UA. I was laying on my stomach and the first thing that I did after opening my eyes was panic.


How could this be?

Why did they do this!!!

My wings!

I immediately started crying and my heart rate picked up tremendously. It wasn't for long that a nurse came in.

Nurse: Izuku, please calm down.

The flames!

Me: ...My wings...

They are gone!

My black feathers!

My quirk!

I will never be able to fly again!

Nurse: Please calm down.



But How could I?

How could anyone in my situation calm down?

I still felt the flames on my skin, liking them and melting it. My feathers burning to dust and the pain of being pierced and hung to a wall. It was all to fresh. The memories of it resurfaced in my mind. I could smell the burned skin and all I could do was sob as my whole body started trembling by the sheer thought of what happened.

Nurse: I'll give you a seductive right now, please don't be surprised or afraid of it. Everything will eventually get better.


I lost everything thanks to them!

What can get better?!

I was thrown away!

I was left to die!

I... I... I am just someone who was supposed to be dead!

I couldn't hear or make out what the nurse was telling me. Panic was all I could do. Everyone in my situation would have reacted this way. Still the events were burned in my memory. It was something I wouldn't forget that easily.

At the end I felt a prick in my shoulder and before I knew it I fell back asleep.

The next time I woke up, I was laying on my back and I was in a hospital room. No one was there. I was all alone.

I survived...

But why?!

Why did they need to ruin a person's life?!

What did I do to them?

I don't think I ever met them in person before...

Mom... I am scared!

My wings... They are gone!

What do I do now....

I can't be a hero anymore...

I can't be like father!

I can't keep my promise to him!

I... I failed!

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