I had the pumpkin pie

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"Hope, we still have to add decorations for Corttin. Like what banners should be up! What colour dress should be on Mal's glass portrait!" Jane said dragging around to get everything sorted out.

"Okay, Jane calm down we will get all this done by Corttin Okay" I said.


"Mal" Jane said going to ask Mal a bunch of questions.

"Hey, Hope I was wondering did you.... like the carrot cake last night?" Carols asked I didn't have it but I didn't want to really hurt his feelings.

"I had the pumpkin pie" I said with a smile.

"Oh, cool" Carols said as Jay drag Carols away as Jane took my hand as we talked to Lonnie, Evie and Mal.

"I think pen toppers, Jane" I said to Jane.

"Yeah" Jane agreed.

"Okay with me" Evie said as I talk to her.

"Okay, you need a date to Corttin right?" Evie asked.

"Right" I said.

"Soooo" Evie said eying Carols.

"No, no way Cousin" I said.

"Why not?" Evie asked.

"Because I planned my life to live at my grandma hide out with all the animals with me with no husband. AHHHHH it's hopeless" I said banging my book repeatedly to my face.

"Nope, not happening cousin I am having my cousin and my best friend attending this Corttin" Evie said.

"Evie! He's right there!" I said.

"I can hardly wait to see what you're wedding will look like" Lonnie said as we walked back to the group.

"Me too. Wait what!" Mal said.

"The Royal Cotillin is engaged to be engaged to be engage" I told Mal.

"I knew it!" Evie said.

"I didn't! How did I not know it! Is my entire life planned out-" Mal said when Ben came out of know where.

"Hi Mal" Ben said.

"Hi Ben" Lonnie, Evie, Jane and I said in a funny tone. Soon Jane palled Ben and I to talk about the portrait of Mal and green to use for Mal's eyes.


My Once Upon A Time ♡Carols De Vil♡Where stories live. Discover now