Saving Hope

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As I follow the voices I heard it lead me to a forest as the voices stop.

"Hello. I'm you" someone said that looked like me then disappeared as the last thing I remember was feeling my changed differently as everything when black.

At Snowwhite Castle:

"Do you think she'll take it?" Evie asked about Hope going to take it.

"I really Hope so" Mal said.

"Hey guys" Carols said coming over.

"Hey" they all said.

"Look I know I have been all moody and all but I need to tell you something " Carols said.

"What is it bud" Jay asked.

"I still love Hope and I'm going to ask her to marry me. I made her the ring" Carols said as they all gasp.

"You go for it" Jay said patting his back.

"Okay can I have everyone's attention please as Hope is not here well-" Snowwhite started but the door was slam open by Hope coming but a different Hope dress in green and dark makeup.  That's not Hope. Carols thought.

"I'm here Grandma" Hope said darkly.

"Oh I so so I  would start-" Snowwhite said.

"Why don't you take a nap" Hope said then click her fingers and Snowwhite feel asleep.

"Well, it's quite a welcome I came here. To greet your new queen" Hope said walking around.

"Hope?" Ben asked.

"Quiet!" Hope shouted shocking everyone.

"Now as I was saying for my gift to Auradon I will be creating a curse a dark fairy curse" Hope said.

"That's not Hope" Evie whisper.

"She must be spelled" Mal said.

"Hope. Stop this is not you and I know you. You have so much goodness in your life and you might not believe me but you are more than rotten then I seen. Don't let your heart tell you the opposite to what you're feeling" Mal said taking Hope hand as Hope started to hear the whisper again.

"Shut up! Stop it! Get out of my head!" Hope scream and some sort of black magic came out off Hope as she fainted.

"Try and beat me now!" Ziggy shadow said as Mal turned into a dragon as Uma's shell started to glow as Carols when to check on Hope.

"Hope, Hope!" Carols said as Hope gasp awake.

"Hope you okay?" Evie asked as They help her up.

"Yeah I'm me again" Hope said as she watched Mal and Uma try and win.

"Come on Hope, let's finish this once and for all!" Shadow Ziggy said.

"Let it all out little sister" Harry said as Hope stepped forward with her hands out.

"Step back" Hope said then scream pushing her hands forward towards Ziggy as Hopes eyes glow electric blue as Hope, Mal and Uma sent Ziggy away.

"You did it" Carols said hugging her.

"I did" Hope said as everyone clap.

"I knew you had it in you. You just need to let it out" Evie said.

"Hope?" Snowwhite said.

"Have you chosen?" Snowwhite asked.

"I have. I chosen to be queen of Auradon and the enchanted forest and Carols would be my king if he would?" Hope asked.

"I would that leaves one thing" Carols said getting down on his knees.

"Hope when I first meet you and I gave you your scarf I couldn't stop thinking about you and how you have saved me back at the pirate bay with Uma and now and when you saved Auradon so many times it's time for someone to take care of you. Will you marry me? Will you be my hero?" Carols asked bringing out the ring.

"Yes!" Hope said puting the ring on her finger as everyone cheer.

"Let us see?" Evie asked as the girls see the ring.

"Oh my gosh" Evie said.

"It's your signature colour" Mal said.

"I know" Hope said.

"I want one now" Uma said as they laughed.

"I'm engaged" Carols said.

"There's only one thing left" Hope said.

"Bal wedding" they all said.


Hope stands behind Mal as she walks down with her dad.

As they get there Mal walks up the stairs to Ben.

As they say their vows and then their official marriage as they chear as Hope kiss Carols.

"I love you" Hope said.

"Love you too. So you found your happy ending" Carols said.

"It's not a happy ending. It's a happy beginning" Hope said as they dance all night and hug and kiss and talk the whole time.

My Once Upon A Time ♡Carols De Vil♡Where stories live. Discover now